
Cllr J Burlo (Chairman)                          Visitors:  5 members of the public          

Cllr J Fenner                                                       District Cllr A Shelton

Cllr S Rawlinson    

Cllr H Anderson                                                                   

Mrs P Potter (Clerk)


  1. Apologies for Absence
    Apologies were received from Cllr Jim Holder and County Councillor David Finch.


  1. Consideration of the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 14 December 2009 and Matters Arising
    The minutes were agreed as a true record and signed accordingly.  Cllr Burlo raised an issue from the last minutes with regard to the Overhead Power Line proposals.  The Parish Council agreed to send a letter of objection to the outlined proposals and state that the pylons should be routed underground.  A copy of this letter will be sent to neighbouring Parish Councils.   

3.     Declaration of Interests



4.   Public Forum

  • A member of the public queried progress regarding the broadband initiative.  The Chairman advised that the company involved were in discussion regarding sources of funding and grants.
  • A discussion took place regarding vehicles driving on the playing field, possibly to gain access to the churchyard, which is causing the ground to be cut up and rutted.  Cllr Fenner will look at the area and come up with some possible solutions to ease the problem.

5.   Village Agents
One of Pebmarsh’s local Village Agents, Jayne Larken, attended the meeting to introduce herself and the service to the Parish Council.  Jayne explained that the service is a link between residents of rural and/or remoter areas with services.  This includes making connections with the elderly and vulnerable families.  Jayne gave an overview of how the service was set up and how it is now expanding to include other rural villages, including Pebmarsh.  Details will be posted on the Parish Council website and residents are asked to get in touch with the agents if they know of anyone who could benefit from the service.


6.   District and County Items

District Councillor Report

Cllr Shelton attended the meeting and gave his update from BDC, highlighted as follows:

  • Update on BDC budget proposals regarding cutting services.   It was confirmed that the Parish Support Grant has been retained for the next three years at its current level but there will be some redundancies.
  • It is likely that the Council Tax will be increased at approximately 2.5%, against a background of budget and grant cuts from ECC and central government.
  • Recycling has increased and exceeded targets since the roll out of wheelie bins last Autumn.
  • A Task and Finish Group will be looking at local transport, especially shopper services to take residents from more remote areas into towns, which would not be possible otherwise. 

The Parish Council thanked Cllr Shelton for attending.

County Councillor Report

Cllr Finch was unable to attend the meeting, however, he had circulated a report, highlighted as follows:

  • Potholes: details given of recent repairs undertaken locally.
  • Details of Winter Fuel Payments that can be claimed.
  • A report of the Fabulous at 50 exhibition that took place in January.
  • Details of the boiler scrappage scheme.
  • Information of the upcoming ECC Book Festival
  • Information on saving with Credit Unions.

7.  BDC Planning Issues


7.1       Planning Application
10/00019/FUL: The Wildings, The Street – Erection of timber outbuilding to be used as general storage and home office.  Following discussion, it was Proposed Cllr Rawlinson, Seconded Cllr Anderson and agreed three votes for to one against, to support the application.

7.2       Planning Committee

Representations for the following applications were determined by consensus of the planning committee:

            7.2.1     09/01676/FUL: Rafe Hall, The Street – Change of use from storage/distribution

                        centre and office to residential use.  It had been agreed to support this application.

            7.2.2     10/00003/FUL: Toms Cottage, Cross End – Erection of single storey rear/side

                        extension. It had been agreed to support this application.

7.3       Planning Result
The following appeal was dismissed by the Planning Inspector:

            Appeal number: APP/Z1510/A/09/2108253 – Scotts Farm, Pebmarsh.  Two storey replacement 4 bedroom detached house, garage and outbuildings. 


8.    Reports from Representatives
       8.1       Playing Fields/Bus Shelters

  • Cllr Rawlinson reported that Ian Rawlinson has started repairs to the roof of the bus shelter at Water Lane and has donated his time and materials to the Parish Council. 
  • There were some items highlighted in the ROSPA inspection report which need to be attended to.  The weeds and fencing need looking at, which Cllr Rawlinson will pursue.  The climbing frame rope needs replacing and this is also being looked into.  There also needs to be a playground sign added to the school sign along the road outside the village hall.

8.2       Village Hall

            Cllr Holder was not in attendance at this meeting.

8.3       Street Lighting
All street lights are working.  Details of payments made to A&J Lighting were discussed and it was agreed that the Clerk write to the company outlining the outstanding amount due.

8.4       Legal

            Cllr Anderson reported that the Glebe land has been registered.


9.    Kings Head Pub
            The possible future of the pub once sold was discussed.  The Parish Council agreed to support any scheme that retains the amenity for the village.

10.   Damage to Fence – Stone Cottage
It was reported that following a recent meeting, the Parish Council have agreed to replace four sections of the fence at Stone Cottage


11.   P3 – Footpath Maintenance Update

Following recent correspondence from ECC, it has been advised that each Parish Council’s claim for footpath maintenance will be assessed individually following a meeting with officers.

12.  Road Safety – Winter Weather
The Council discussed the possibilities of gritting the roads in the village during icy and snowy weather.  There are, however, issues regarding liability and insurance which the Clerk will look into and report back to the Council. 


13.  Financial Regulations
The Clerk is awaiting clarification regarding some of the clauses in the Regulations and will report back to the Council. 


14.  Finance
14.1      Finance Report
                        The finance reports for December 2009 and January 2010 were received by Councillors.

                        The following cheques were approved for payment:
14.2      £400.84            Clerk’s Salary (Jan 10 to Feb 10) 

                        14.3      £  51.59                        Clerk Expenses (Dec 09 to Jan 10)
14.4      £250.00                        Glebeland Rent – Strutt and Parker

To note payment made between meetings due to time constraints – agreed with Councillors prior to payment:

14.5      £178.25                        Audit Commission – External Audit Fee.


15.  Budget and Precept Consideration 2010/11
The budget and precept demand were unanimously agreed.


16.  Noticeboards
Cllrs Burlo and Fenner will up suitable areas for noticeboards and report back to the next meeting.


17.  Correspondence

       The Clerk went through items received since the last meeting.

18.   Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting was agreed to be scheduled for Monday 29 March.  The Annual Parish Assembly and Annual Parish Council Meeting are scheduled for Tuesday 18 May.  All meetings are subject to confirmation and will be held at 7.30pm.


19.   Closure

  The meeting closed at 10.25pm.