Reminder: Bus Services Review Consultation Ends 28 September

Following the recent alert on the Pebmarsh Mailing List, this is just a reminder that the Bus Network Review Consultation will end on 28 September.  It is proposed to remove Services 11/12/13 Sudbury to Halstead and replace them with Demand Responsive Transport.

Details can be found on the Essex County Council website and the consultation can be accessed via:

Questionnaires are available from Essex Libraries, by phone on 03457 430 430, or by contacting the Clerk at or on 07790 598363.  Please note that the last three options would involve sending the questionnaire to you by post, therefore please be mindful of the time this will take if you are nearing the deadline date.

Details are also attached herewith:

Bus Service Consultation Affected Services 2016 Bus Service Consultation 2016

Annual Parish Assembly Draft Minutes and Reports

The draft minutes of the Annual Parish Assembly held 25 May are below, together with all the reports given at the meeting:

Draft Annual Parish Assembly Minutes 2016

Pebmarsh Parish Council Chairmans Report May 2016

ECC Key Achievements 15-16 David Finch

Cllr Spray Annual Report 2016

Cllr Chris Siddall Parish Report April 2016

Village Hall Chairmans report 2016

Village Hall Treasurers report 2015-16



Changes to Local Bus Services – from 10 April 2016

From 10th April 2016 there will be important changes to many of the routes, timetables and service numbers of bus services in Essex.

Passengers, particularly those using the bus to go to school or work, are strongly recommended to check for the revisions using the National Traveline Service, available at: shortly before undertaking their journey, so that they are aware of any changes that have been made.

The majority of dedicated school contract services, which are not open for use by the general public will not be affected.