Temporary Traffic Regulation Order of The Street, Cross End, Pebmarsh CP


Temporary Traffic Regulation Order of The Street, Cross End, Pebmarsh CP

Please click on the following link https://one.network/?tm=120626568 to find details of the intended closure of The Street, Cross End, due to commence on 9th March 2021 for 3 days. The closure is required for the safety of the public and workforce while UK Power Networks undertakes new connection.


Essex Streetworks Team


Ringway Jacobs | Essex County Council

3rd Floor, Seax House, Market Road, Chelmsford, CM1 1QH

Website: http://www.essex.gov.uk/highways


Good afternoon everyone. Some encouraging figures to report.
As of 14th January, case numbers per 100,000 population are down for every Essex region. The two highest Districts are Harlow and Tendring with 907 and 890 respectively. Braintree is 608.8 Obviously, this is still a very high case ratio but it’s a big improvement on the previous week.
The number of new COVID-19 cases is also continuing to decrease in all age groups which is good to see.
Our hospitals remain under significant pressure but are managing thanks to the wonderful efforts of all the staff.
Vaccinations: It has been widely reported that the East of England has managed less vaccinations than the rest of the country apart from London. This appears to be issues around supplies and sites. Essex County Council and District Council Leaders continue to take this up with NHS authorities and government ministers who are responsible for the vaccinations roll out.
In the meantime, the staff at the Pump House Surgery in Earls Colne continue to do a fantastic job with covering the Colne Valley are (and beyond!).
The numbers are reducing gradually but are still high with doctors predicting some difficult weeks ahead for the NHS following the New Year break and households mixing. So let’s keep sticking to the rules, tough though they may be.
Best wishes

Update from District Councillor Gabrielle Spray 15th Jan 2021

Good morning all. A slightly more upbeat COVID 19 update this week.
The case rate for Essex County for the week to 7th Jan (the last date for which figures are available) is 1,020 per 100,000 population. This is a fall from 1,039 the previous week. It’s only a small drop but it’s going in the right direction.
Age Groups: There has been a sharp drop in the 20-49 age group numbers which is really good. The under 20s and 50-49 age group numbers are also down. Unfortunately, the +70s cases are not going down as fast but let’s hope that improves.
Districts: All Districts are showing a drop in cases apart from two. Tendring has a huge spike to 1,218 per 100k and Colchester 880. We don’t know why this is. Braintree District is down to 994.80 from 1,074 the previous week. Again, only a slight reduction but it’s a hopeful sign.
Tests: 47,642 were carried out in Essex week commencing 1st January with a positivity rate of 19% for Braintree which is also a reduction on previous weeks. All good.
Hospitals: All Essex hospitals continue to be under extreme pressure but are coping. At 12th January there were 1,422 confirmed Covid patients which is 40% of hospital trust capacity and 39% higher than one week previously. Amazing work being done by all hospital and care staff who must be exhausted.
Sadly, there were 214 Covid related deaths over the last week which is 40% up on the week before.
There has been an outbreak at Chelmsford prison with seven members of staff and 40+ inmates testing positive.
Finally, the vaccination roll out started at the Pump House Surgery in Earls Colne yesterday (Thursday). Thanks to the organisational abilities of a number of people and to the many volunteers who came forward, it all went smoothly.
Stay safe and well everyone and have as good a weekend as you can manage.
Best wishes. Gabrielle

The Essex County Council (District of Braintree) (Covid-19 E-Scooter Trial) 2021

The Essex County Council (District of Braintree) (Covid-19 E-Scooter Trial) 2021


I attach for your information a copy of the Public Notice relating to the above experimental proposal which will appear in the Colchester Evening Gazette, Suffolk Free Press, Haverhill Echo, Braintree & Witham Times and the Halstead Gazette on 7 January 2021 as required by the Local Authority Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996.


I also attach copies of the Signed Order/Plan and Statement of Reasons. All documents can be found on the Essex Highways website.


The experiment will commence on the 18 January 2021. I should be grateful if you could please forward any comments you may wish to make on these proposals by 18 July 2021


Thank you in anticipation of your assistance in this matter.


Yours Faithfully




Jennifer Boxall – Technical Assistant






T: 01234 567890 / 01234 567890

E: Jennifer.Boxall@essexhighways.org

Chat with me on Teams

W: www.essex.gov.uk/highways





County Broadband Update

After liaising with County Broadband we have been informed that the build in Pebmarsh is on target to be completed and live by the end of January 2021 this is the earliest possible date due to delays in obtaining permits from the Highways Authority. We were informed that the current delay impacts approximately 100 homes and that all of the homes in the Parish already connected currently have service available.

Crick’s Road, Colne Engaine – Update from ECC Highways

Crick’s Road, Colne Engaine

Diversion route – Crick’s Road, Colne Engaine (please follow link to map)

Following concerns about the condition of a  culvert and both headwalls Cricks Road, Colne Engaine and Hill House Road, Pebmarsh were closed to traffic in early September with a diversion installed via Pebmarsh, Colne Engaine and Earls Colne.


On Monday 23 November 2020 the diversion was revised to avoid a clash with the County Broadband works in Clays Hill, Pebmarsh. The revised diversion and point of closure is as shown on the attachment.


Please be advised that the revised diversion is to remain in place until late Friday 27 November 2020 when there is intention to reopen the road to vehicles using a signed Priority system at the culvert.


This arrangement is intended to be temporary until the permanent repairs to the culvert can be undertaken (possibly in late Spring 2021).


Details of other works in the area can be viewed from one.network (formerly roadworks.org).


Can you kindly share this information with your parish council and local residents.



Please be aware we are unable to respond directly to highway requests or queries from the public sent to this mailbox. These should be addressed to the Essex County Council customer service team either by telephone: 0345 603 7631 or by completing the online form: https://www.essex.gov.uk/enquiries.


Service Information Centre




E: sic@essexhighways.org

W: www.essex.gov.uk/highways



Road Closure 24th November – 4th December

Information for Road Users

Cause: Roadworks
Closure in force: All the time
Name: Clays Hill, Pebmarsh
Description: Fibre installation

Emergency access will be maintained at all times.

Information for Operational Teams

Works ref: A5001CCESSA1A006926
Highway authority: Essex County Council
Work info last updated:
Last updated on one.network:
Data source: County Broadband LTD