Proposal to Raise a Loan from the Public Works Loan Board

At the Pebmarsh Parish Council meeting of 9 October 2017, it was RESOLVED to seek the approval of the Secretary of State for Communities & Local Government to apply for a loan of £50,000 up to 15 years for the purpose of ameliorating the cost of expenditure incurred in the purchase of the King’s Head Public House, Pebmarsh, by Pebmarsh Community Pub Ltd.  The annual loan repayments will come to around £4,000 (subject to the rates applicable at the time of approval).  These will be repaid by Pebmarsh Community Pub Ltd via the Parish Council.  If you have any views or opinions you wish to feed in, please contact the Parish Council.


Contact details:  Parish Clerk, Philippa Potter, or 20 Gore Lane, Rayne, CM77 6TU.