Beware – Telephone Credit Card Scam – This is a clever one

This one is pretty slick since they provide Y O U with all the information, except the one piece they want. Note, the callers do not ask for your card number; they already have it. This information is worth reading. By understanding how the VISA & MasterCard Telephone Credit Card Scam works, you’ll be better prepared to protect yourself.
Someone I know was called on Wednesday from VISA, and one of their friends was called on Friday from MasterCard. The scam works like this: Person calling says, “This is (name), and I’m calling from the Security and Fraud Department at VISA. My badge number is 12460. Your card has been flagged for an unusual purchase pattern, and I’m calling to verify. This would be on your VISA card which was issued by (name of bank) did you purchase an Anti-Telemarketing Device for £497.99 from a Marketing company based in London ?” When you say “No”, the caller continues with, “Then we will be issuing a credit to your account. This is a company we have been watching and the charges range from £297 to £497, just under the £500 purchase pattern that flags most cards. Before your next statement, the credit will be applied to your account. I just need to confirm your address (gives you your address), is that correct?”

You say ‘yes’. The caller continues – “I will be starting a fraud investigation. If you have any questions, you should call the number listed on the back of your card and ask for the Security & Fraud Department. You will need to refer to this Control Number. The caller then gives you a 6 digit number. “Do you need me to read it again?”

Here’s the IMPORTANT part on how the scam works the caller then says, “I need to verify you are in possession of your card.” He’ll ask you to ‘turn your card over and look for some numbers’. There are 7 numbers; the first 4 are part of your card number, the next 3 are the security numbers that verify you are the possessor of the card. These are the numbers you sometimes use to make Internet purchases to prove you have the card. The caller will ask you to read the 3 numbers to him. After you tell the caller the 3 numbers, he’ll say, “That is correct, I just needed to verify that the card has not been lost or stolen, and that you still have your card. Do you have any other questions?” After you say, ‘No’, the caller then thanks you and states, “Don’t hesitate to call back if you do”, and hangs up. You actually say very little, and they never ask for or tell you the card number. But after my friend  was called, he called his credit card company back within 20 minutes to ask a question. Was he glad he did! The REAL VISA Security Department told him it was a scam and in the last 15 minutes a new purchase of  £497.99 was charged to his card.

Long story  short, he made a real fraud report and closed the VISA account. VISA is re-issuing him a new number. What the scammers want is the 3-digit PIN number on the back of the card. Don’t give it to them. Instead, tell them you’ll call VISA or Master Card directly for verification of their conversation. The real VISA told him that they will never ask for anything on the card as they already know the information since they issued the card! If you give the scammers your 3 Digit PIN number, you think you’re receiving a credit. However, by the time you get your statement you’ll see charges for purchases you didn’t make, and by then it’s almost too late and/or more difficult to actually file a fraud report.

What makes this more remarkable is that last Friday, he got a call from a ‘Jason Richardson of MasterCard’ with a word-for-word repeat of the VISA scam. This time he didn’t let him finish and hung up! He filed a police report, as instructed by VISA. The police said they are taking several of these reports daily! They also urged him to tell everybody he knows that this scam is happening .

Please pass this on to all your family and friends. By informing each other, we protect each other.

Joe Burlo

Chairman PPC.

Parish News Update Friday 30 May 08

The Annual Parish Meeting was held yesterday, Thursday 29th May in the Village Hall.  Annual Reports were submitted by all Parish councillors and read out.  Documents were made available to the public regarding updates on:

  •  Iceni Homes about  Affordable Housing progress and possible build start date of June/July 08. Survey for presence of Great Crested newts or reptiles on the site is nearly over as these surveys had to undertaken in Spring. Meanwhile  Suffolk Housing society has now aquired  and owns the land  and a building contractor  ( Elliston Steady & Hawes) has been appointed and will be meeting the Parish Councl shortly to discuss the build.  Suffolk Housing owns the land and will be the Landlord.  Eligible applicants are still subject to the Section 106 ( legal agreement) between Suffolk Housing Society and Braintree District Council which was signed as a condition of the planning permission and clearly states that these affordable houses are only for people who have a local connection  and have a housing need.
  • David Steel, Housing Enabling Officer at BDC. 01376 551414 ( ext 2138) outlined and clarified the application process.  Applicants have to initially contact BDC Housing assesment team on 01376 551414 for an application form to join the housing register and complete the application process. They should clearly state that that they are specifically applying and wanting to be considered for the affordable housing at Water Lane, Pebmarsh.  When this process is completed, the form and details will be held on file until the new homes are nearing completion. Please e mail me for a copy of the full Text of the message on
  • Postponing of Path resurfacing between the school and the church due to new H&S regs disallowing temp Traffic Lights on narrow roads and requiring a road closure instead. Work will now start  at the end of July on the 2nd week of the school hols.
  • New grain store at Greathouse Farm is for farm use only and not to be, as some parishioners supposed, a central grain store for all the local farms.  New H&S regulations require grain to be stored in bird proof barns and it is less costly to build a new barn than to upgrade and existing one to comply with the new regs.
  • Annual general meeting will now be held in June and the date will be announced on this site and on the  PPC Notice board at the Village Hall.

Joe Burlo


Path Re building works between school and church – w/c Mon 26th May 08

At long last we have succeeded in persuading Essex Highways to re build the eroded path between the school and the church.

Work is scheduled to start during the school holidays w/c Mon 26th May for one week.

Temp traffic lights will be in operation for the duration of the work.

 Joe Burlo


Pebmarsh Parish council


The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Thursday 29 May in the village hall at 7pm, followed by the Annual General Meeting

The Annual Parish Meeting is the occasion when the Councillors submit reports on the year’s activities as itemised in the agenda below. All the Parishioners of Pebmarsh are welcome to attend where there is every opportunity to raise questions on all aspects of the Council’s business over the last year and to make suggestions for the forthcoming year. 

Road closure – 17-20 March, Oak Road

ECC, Highways inform us of a temporary road closure as noted above. 

The road will be closed from its junction with The Street, North for its entire length a distance of approx 2300 metres to its junction with

Pebmarsh Road


Access will be maintained to properties during the closure 

The alternative route will be via Oak Road, The Street, Pebmarsh Road, Sudbury Road (A131) Pebmarsh Road and vice versa. 


Pebmarsh Parish Council                                                                           


Parish Clerk

Mrs J Race

Chestnut HouseThe GreenTWINSTEAD, Sudbury Suffolk CO10 7NB

Tel. & Fax No.01787-269122





A meeting of the Parish Council will be held on

Monday 4 February 2008 in the Village Hall Committee Room at 7.30 pm


Clerk to the Council



1.       Apologies for absence 

2.       Declarations of Interest 

3.       Matters Arising 

4.       Affordable Housing  

5.       District items 5.1.         Planning applications 5.1.1.        No. 07/02591/FUL Hillside, The Street, Pebmarsh.  Renewal of temporary condition – change of use of land to rear for stationing of mobile home5.1.2.        No. 08/00098/ELD Spoons Hall,

Colne Road

.  Application for a Certificate of           Lawfulness for an existing use – construction and use of a manege 


5.2.         County Council items 

6.       Reports from Representatives 

7.       Spring Parish Cluster meeting 

8.       Meeting dates 

9.       Finance 

10.   Correspondence10.1.      Circulation 

11.   Any Other Matters 

12.   Public Comments 

13.   Agenda items for next meeting 

14.   Date of next meeting

Road Closure in January – Oak Road

Essex County Council has been notified that BT will be carrying out repair works on BT poles and cables.

 Oak Road will be closed between 9.30 am – 3.30 pm from  7 January-18 January 2008, but the road will re-open fully at the weekend.   Access will be maintained for emergency service vehicles, resisdents and visitors during the road closure.

Alternative route will be via Maplestead Road, Dagworth Road and vice versa.

E mail Scams

At this time of year in the season of goodwill some of you might be a bit less vigilant than normal. Others will have received a computer for the first time as a Christmas present.

A scam is a scheme designed to con you out of your cash.

The Bank of England has a site which helps to explain most of the various e mail scams that might turn up in your e mail in box.  Some recent scam e mails even pretend to come from The Bank of England.

If you find a spare moment, have a look at this link. Remember if it looks too good to be true, it generally is not true.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Joe Burlo

Pebmarsh Parish Council Minutes

Minutes of Pebmarsh Parish Council held onMonday 1 October 2007 in the village hall at 7.30 pm Present:          Clr J Burlo (Chairman)                     

Clr H Anderson                                 

Clr D McGovern                               

Clr S Rawlinson                                                                                             Mrs J Race (Clerk) Visitors: Clr D Finch, ECC Clr A Shelton, BDC, 1 parishioner    

                                                                                                                    1.      Apologies for absence – Clr T Newman  2.      Declarations of interest – none 

3.      Minutes of meeting held on 23 July 2007 were circulated, read and following amendment made:   ‘(5.1) 25 applicants, and 10 people on housing list with Pebmarsh as first choice, 3 used………..’ and then signed by the Chairman. 4.      Matters Arising

4.1.  Planings at the recycling site – Clr J Burlo confirmed planings rolled and    laid, by courtesy of Mr J Not free gratis.

4.2.  School PTA donation towards laid planings in village car park – Clr S Rawlinson to chase up.

4.3.       Path leading from village hall towards the church – ECC, Highways confirmed arrangements for work to overlay worst section outside the school as a short term measure and add onto the works programme.  Long term – kerbing infill to stop further erosion down the road and the footpath will need to be surfaced from the village hall entrance towards the village.  This is a section that will need to be monitored in the interim, with a view to assess in detail to carry out major works early in next financial year. Everything is safe at present.  Clr Finch will chase up and urge the works to be completed in this year’s programme. 5.      Affordable Housing

5.1.        Clr H Anderson commented that Iceni Home agreed to send a final draft of the plans prior to submission of the planning application and have failed to do so.  The Councillors looked at the plans and discussed the 106 agreement.  With a majority vote the Parish Council support the application, with the following comments and exception:   ·        The street lighting issue had been addressed – the Parish Council raised no objections. 

·        Concerns were made regarding Block 2, C & D, nearest to the neighbours in

Water Lane

in that the new plans were the same as the previous plans and the Parish Council was concerned that the roof height had not been lowered was concerned that the roof height had not been lowered and that their concerns about site lines have not been met – this issue does not appear to have been addressed

·        106 agreement – The 3 questions previously raised were addressed ie no rental housing, allocated playground monies of £3,200 held by BDC and the Parish Council submit a request for a specific scheme; part 2 of schedule 1, Parish Council ‘s request not to cascade allocation to all was turned down although objections were previously raised by the Parish Council.   It was agreed to pass on the above comments to BDC and Iceni Homes. 6.      Finance

6.1.      Financial report was circulated and reconciled to the Bank statement of 31 August 2007.  A closing balance of £2,905.25 was shown as £1,460.84 in the Current Account and £95.50 in the Reserve Account.  Precept amount of £2,900 had been received from BDC but not shown on the statement.

6.2.     It was agreed to re-instate car park rental.  Clerk to raise invoice re PTA for £50.00.

6.3.     It was agreed to request funding from the Pebmarsh Country Show for: election costs £233, outdoor play area drainage £100, emergency £500 totalling £833.  Clerk to complete form.6.4.     Cheques approved for payment:No. 583 £270.00 Mark A Smith, grass cutting (11/7, 4/8, 28/8)No. 584 £430.00 Strutt & Parker (£180 village hall, £250 GlebelandsNo. 585 £386.25 Mrs J Race, Clerk’s salary (Jul-Sept), £22.78 Expenses (Jul-Sept)           

7.      District & County reports

7.1.       District report – Clr A Shelton, BDC reported on various matters and the salient points were: funding scheme is being extended – information received and passed to Clr S Rawlinson; scrutinising  this year’s budget and looking at reducing costs of approximately £1.5 million when local housing is transferred in November; considering one chief executive to manage both Colchester and Braintree Districts – mention of re-branding costly was raised; new swimming pool at Braintree nearing completion by end of this month, costing £7.5 million; next meeting of new Halstead Local Committee to be held on 20 November.

7.2.       County report – Clr D Finch, ECC reported on various matters and the salient points were: meeting with Chief Constable at BDC offices at 7.30 pm on19 November; new initiative Essex Works – putting the customer first; half yearly finance budget £1.4 billion, gross £2 billion main expenses being central services ie finance, human resources, adult social care; speed watch scheme with free training and equipment – Pebmarsh may be interested; trading standards increased powers for weight restrictions in villages –  Parish Council commented that grain lorries are exempt; new insurance scheme due to be launched to include Parish Councils.

7.3.  Planning –  see 5.1 above  8.      Reports from Representatives

8.1.  Street Lighting – Clr S Rawlinson reported voluntary repairs to light   completed. 8.2.     Bus Shelters – Clr S Rawlinson reported voluntary repairs to the bus shelter opposite Kings Head had been completed.   Clr Rawlinson reported she had personally visited the parents of the children who had damaged the bus shelter and mentioned any further vandalism would be reported to the Police who would take action and a possible fine imposed.  8.3.  Playing field – bark urgently required.  Information being sought.   9.      Correspondence

9.1.  BDC, Community Warden’s report – 1 vandalism, a litter, 2 fly posting, 3 public relations totalling 9 issues dealt with.

9.2.  BDC, Cluster meeting hosted by Twinstead in July – item 3 of Minutes,  Matters Arising, letters of objection for planning applications not being  published. Head of BDC Planning  attended Essex Planning forum and, after   discussion that some other Councils currently publish their letters of          objection, BDC has considered this issue and will also put into practice possibly end of this year/beginning of 2008.

9.3.  BDC, Various funding grants available – passed to Clr S Rawlinson

9.4.  BDC, recyling newsletter, indicating collection calendar, being delivered to all parishioners during next 2-3 weeks.

9.5.  BDC, Rural Services Survey – list checked and Clerk to return                          .

10. Public comments – lead from the church roof had recently been taken.  Comment was made that there is currently a spate of robberies of this type in the area.  

11. Any other business

11.1. Notices in the notice board removed over the weekend.  Suggestion of a lock – Clr S Rawlinson to deal with.

11.2.   Clayhills signage – Chairman J Burlo reported that complaints had been received regarding unclear signage in
Oak Road and Clayhills area where emergency services had been unable to locate specific address.  He confirmed a site visit had taken place and ECC, Highways agreed to erect new street signs at top of Clayhills/Oak Road indicating 1-14 Clayhills and another sign indicating numbers in Oak road towards Hamsters Close.     

12. Items for next meeting

12.1. Update of path leading from the village hall to the church 13. Date of next meeting:    

Monday 12 November 2007             Meeting closed at 9.30 pm