Temporary Road Closures

The following road closures will occur from 15 April 2013, for the duration of the works. This includes surface dressing, pre-surface dressing patching and lining works:

Pebmarsh Road, Alphamstone: from its junction with Shalford Road to its junction with Bardfield Road, a distrance of approximately 1000 metres. Alternative route: Lamarsh Road, Henny Road.

Twinstead Road/Pebmarsh/Alphamstone/Twinstead: From its junction with Oak Road, north east for a distance of approx 700 metres. Alternative route: Oak Road, The Street, Twinstead Road.

Access for emergency service vehicles and pedestrians will be maintained at all times during the closure.

Agenda for Next Parish Council Meeting – Monday 1 October 2012

 The next meeting of  Pebmarsh Parish Council will be held on

Monday 1 October 2012

in the Village Hall Committee Room

for the purpose of transacting the following business:


 1.         Election of Chairman

To elect a Chairman of the Parish Council, as the position is currently vacant. The Chairman to sign the declaration  of acceptance of office.

2.         Election of Vice-Chairman

To elect a Vice-Chairman in the event that this office becomes vacant.

 3.         Apologies for Absence

Members are reminded that the LGA1972, s85 states that apologies for absence must be received prior to a  meeting.

 4.         Minutes of the Previous Meeting Held 20 August 2012

To agree and sign the minutes.

5.         Declarations of Interest

To declare the existence and nature of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, other

Pecuniary Interest or Non-Pecuniary Interest relating to items on the agenda having

regard to the Code of Conduct for Members and having taken appropriate advice

where necessary before the meeting.

6.         Public Forum

Opportunity for the public to raise issues or ask questions of Councillors.

7.         District and County Items

7.1       BDC Issues

7.2       ECC Issues

8.         Code of Conduct

To agree to adopt the Code of Conduct.

 9.         Deferment of Dispensation Requests to Braintree District Council

To agree that all applications for dispensation regarding Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary       Interests be directed to the Monitoring Officer at Braintree District Council, via the Parish        Council Clerk.

 10.       Register of Interests

            To ensure all Registers of Interest have been received by the Clerk, as required by statute.

 11.       Revision of Responsibilities
To revise the list of responsibilities in light of change of Council membership.

12.       Planning

  • 12/00226/TPO: 4 Mill Lane – Works to trees: fell 5 x damson trees. Consultation ended on 21 September 2012 – the Parish Council made no comments.

13.       Finance

13.1     Finance Reports

To receive the latest Finance Reports.

            13.2     Cheques to be approved for payment:

  • 13.2.1: £337.64 – Clerk Salary (Sept, Oct 2012)
  • 13.2.2: £63.20 – HMRC PAYE payment (Sept, Oct 2012)
  • 13.2.3: £58.75 – Clerk Expenses (July to Sep 2012)
  • 13.2.4: £212.08 – Expenses: G Tufnell for Parish bench refurbishment x 5

13.3     Payments made between meetings:

  • 13.3.1: £40.00 -RCCE Annual Subscription
  • 13.3.2: £168.82 – Clerk Salary (August 2012)
  • 13.3.3: £3372.00 – Halls Hard Landscaping: Playground Refurbishment
  • 13.3.4: £26.40 – A&J Lighting: Street Light Maintenance (August 2012)
  • 13.3.5: £26.40 – A&J Lighting: Street Light Maintenance (September 2012)

13.4     Monies Received:

  • 13.4.1: £5892.00 – Braintree DC: Precept 1st half and Parish Support Grant
  • 13.4.2: £1005.53 – Braintree DC: Street Cleaning Agreement
  • 13.4.3: £50.00 – St John the Baptist Primary PTA: Car Parking Fee
  • 13.4.4: £4120.00 – Braintree DC: Precept 2nd half

14.       Grass Cutting – Clay Hill

To clarify the arrangements.

15.       Village Sign

To discuss the way forward.

16.       Letters of Thanks

To agree and arrange.

17.       Jubilee Oak Plaque

To agree wording and expenditure.

18.       Clerk’s Report
The Clerk to go through any correspondence received.

19.       Date of Next Meeting

To set the date of the next meeting.

20.       Closure

Philippa Potter

Philippa Potter, Clerk to the Council

24 September 2012

Parish Council Meeting Monday 16th July 2012 – 7.30pm Pebmarsh Village Hall

The next meeting of Pebmarsh Parish Council will be held on
Monday 16 July 2012
in the Village Hall Committee Room
for the purpose of transacting the following business:

1. Apologies for Absence
Members are reminded that the LGA1972, s85 states that apologies for absence must be received prior to a meeting.

2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting Held 28 May 2012
To agree and sign the minutes.

3. Declarations of Interest
To declare any ‘personal’ or ‘personal and prejudicial’ interests relating to items on the agenda having regard to paragraphs 8 to 12 (inclusive) of the Code of Conduct for Members part 5/1 of the Constitution and having taken appropriate advice (where necessary) before the meeting.

4. Public Forum
Opportunity for the public to raise issues or ask questions of Councillors.

5. BDC Conservation Area Appraisal
Alan Massow, Senior Policy Planner at BDC, will be asking Parish Councillors for any final comments and the level of consultation which is required.

6. Pebmarsh Children’s Playground
To discuss security issues and to receive an update on the repair and refurbishment work.

7. Planning Results
The following application was withdrawn:
• 12/00341/FUL: The Kings Head, The Street, Pebmarsh – Erection of detached 3 bedroom dwelling with access via existing pub car park

The following application was granted:
• 12/00437/FUL: Scotts Farm, Cripple Corner – amendment to garage on replacement dwelling.

8. Finance
8.1 Finance Reports
To receive the latest Finance Reports.

8.2 Cheques to be approved for payment:
8.2.1 £274.44 Clerk Salary (June, July 2012)
8.2.2 £ 47.46 Clerk Expenses (June, July 2012)
8.2.3 £ 126.40 HMRC (PAYE: April – July 2012)
8.2.4 £496.08 E-On Street Light Electricity (2010-2012)

8.3 Payments made between meetings:
8.3.1 £1088.99 Zurich Municipal – Insurance Premium 2012/13
Other payments to be confirmed at the meeting

8.4 Monies received since the last meeting
To be confirmed at the meeting.

9. Register of Interests
To complete the Register of Interests as required by BDC.

10. Clerk’s Report
The Clerk to go through any correspondence received.

11. Date of Next Meeting
To set the date of the next meeting.

12. Closure
Philippa Potter
Philippa Potter, Clerk to the Council
10 July 2012

Pebmarsh Annual Parish Assembly – To be held on Tuesday 15 May 2012 in the Village Hall at 7.00pm – All parishioners welcome

Pebmarsh Annual Parish Assembly

To be held on Tuesday 15 May 2012 in the Village Hall at 7.00pm

1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of the Previous Annual Parish Assembly • held 15 March 2011, to be agreed and signed.

3. Reports from County Councillor David Finch and District Councillor Anthony Shelton

4. PCSO Warren Brown Recent crime update, Community Speedwatch and the opportunity for parishioners to ask questions.

5. Chairman’s Report

6. Parish Councillor Reports

7. John Nott Charity Report

8. Closure

Cllr Joe Burlo Chairman 8 May 2012

Recent Flooding Issues – Message from your Parish Council and your Essex County Councillor

As you are no doubt aware, this April has been one if not the wettest on record with watercourses being full resulting in drainage issues as the rain has nowhere to go. Also, prior to this wet April weather we had the driest March for 50 years and two extremely dry winters causing the ground to be exceedingly hard and unable to absorb water as well as it normally would and instead just runs off the surface causing flooding, which is not something that we are able to control.

Therefore if any parishioners wish to report any flooding incidents that have led to flood water getting inside houses you can do so by contacting the Flood Risk Team via email: flood.prevention@essex.gov.uk who will then record all incidents and arrange for the Flood Investigation Officer to visit the sites to assess the situation. Any questions can be raised with the Flood Risk Team on 01245 430 469.

However, it is important to clarify that any incident requiring an emergency response where there is a threat to life then the first call of any home owner is to the emergency services. Additionally, each District/Borough Council will have their own emergency planning arrangements and will deal with the individual needs of their communities, so residents should call their own districts. ECC Emergency Planning (EP) will support the emergency services to deliver either through support of the affected district, or if it is a widespread situation, Emergency Planning will assist in the coordination of the activities on a county wide basis.

Do please note that ECC Emergency Planning are not responsible in responding or dealing with individual properties. Any flooding on the Highway Network should be reported in the normal way by either contacting Highways on telephone number 0845 603 7631 or via our on line reporting tool which can be found on our website: www.essex.gov.uk Our Emergency Planning

Service will continue to liaise with Essex Police and other stakeholders including Essex Fire and Rescue Service to ensure that our communities are kept safe. You may wish to be aware that yesterday morning, Essex Police established their “Special operations Room”, which was precautionary but would be in place if conditions deteriorated. If it is considered necessary by the Police, our EP service will be represented.


David M Finch

Member for Hedingham

Posted by Joe Burlo – Chairman – Pebmarsh Parish Council – 01787 269999 – 9 May 2012