We are looking for a new Clerk & RFO for an imminent start for the above position.

Applicants to be CiLA qualified or willing to train to achieve (the Council will fund the training) and have proven administration, organisation and basic financial management skills. Microsoft Word and Excel skills are vital.

5 hours per week, working from home.

Closing Date: 28th July 2019
Please Contact: Perry Crimmins – Chair

Pebmarsh Parish Council

(T) 01787269450 / (E)

Meeting Dates – 17th July 2019 to the 13th May 2020

Dear all,

Pebmarsh Parish Council has set meeting dates to hold your Pebmarsh Parish Council meetings and make it easier for you to plan to be there.

All meetings, unless otherwise advised, will start at 7.30pm and will be held in the main hall of the Pebmarsh Village Hall which as ever has kindly been donated free of charge by the Pebmarsh Village Hall Management Committee.

Your local district and county councillors, Cllr Courtauld and Cllr Spray, both of Braintree District Council and Cllr Finch of Essex County Council have all been invited to all future meetings and you are able to learn more from them on what will affect Pebmarsh in the future.

The meeting dates are:

17th July 2019
25th September 2019
13th November 2019
15th January 2020
18th March 2020
13th May 2020

Your councillors we look forward to welcoming you all to your meetings and making Pebmarsh even better for all.

Pebmarsh Parish Council

Cllr Perry Crimmins – Chair
Cllr Dave Ballard – Vice Chair
Cllr Louise Bradley-Flack
Cllr Michael Sharp
Cllr Jackie Tufnell