Agenda – PC meeting on Tuesday 15th March 2011

The next meeting of Pebmarsh Parish Council will be held on

Tuesday 15 March 2011

in the Village Hall Committee Room,  immediately following the Annual Parish Assembly

for the purpose of transacting the following business:

1.         Apologies for Absence

Members are reminded that the LGA1972, s85 states that apologies for absence must be received prior to a meeting.

2.         Minutes of the Previous Meeting Held 31 January 2011

            To agree and sign the minutes.

 3.         Declarations of Interest

To declare any ‘personal’ or ‘personal and prejudicial’ interests relating to items on the agenda having regard to paragraphs 8 to 12 (inclusive) of the Code of Conduct for Members part 5/1 of the Constitution and having taken appropriate advice (where necessary) before the meeting.

4.         Public Forum

            Opportunity for the public to raise issues or ask questions of Councillors.

5.         BDC Planning Issues

            5.1       Tree Preservation Order

03/2011/TPO: Le Mote Hall, Cross End, Pebmarsh – to receive the notice of the above TPO.

 6.         Reports from Representatives

            To receive any reports from representatives:

  • Playing fields/bus shelter
  • Village Hall
  • Street Lighting
  • Legal

7.         John Nott Trustee Change

            To consider the proposed trustee change and agree recommendation.

 8.         Footpath Mainteance

            To discuss the way forward.

 9.         Flooding Protection Scheme

            To receive information regarding the scheme

 10.       Finance

            10.1            Finance Report

                        To receive the latest finance reports.

             10.2            Cheques to be approved for payment:

                        10.2.1            £400.82            Clerk Salary (Feb, Mar)

                        10.2.2            £  42.96            Clerk Expenses (Feb, Mar)

                        10.2.3            £    1.44            A&J Lighting Solutions – VAT shortfall (Jan,Feb,Mar)

             10.3            Payments made between meetings:

                        10.3.1            £  22.74            A&J Lighting Solutions Maintenance (Feb)

                        10.3.2            £  22.74            A&J Lighting Solutions Maintenance (Mar)

            10.4     Monies received since the last meeting


 11.       A&J Lighting Solutions

            Discuss whether to implement a direct debit rather than standing order.

 12.       PAYE Implementation

To receive information regarding the changes being made by HMRC to the payment of Clerk salary.

13.       Broadband

To receive a report.

14.            Correspondence

            The Clerk to go through any correspondence received.

 15.       Date of Next Meeting

            16 May 2011 – Annual Parish Council Meeting.

16.       Closure

Mrs Philippa Potter

8 March 2011

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