Septic Tanks now have to be registered with the Environment Agency before 1 Jan 2012

Many Thanks to David Holland from Twinstead for the following e mail:
Hello All,
Septic tanks now have to be registered!

I thought you should all know about this.

If your home has a septic tank or a package sewage treatment plant, then you need to register the system with the Environment Agency or have an environmental permit..
Ø      Registration is now required [Environmental Permitting Regulations].
Ø      Should be done this year: [before 1st  January 2012]
Ø       Failure to do so could result in prosecution

There will be many people who are not aware; or will need help complying with this.

If you have fiends or neighbours who do not “do the internet” perhaps you could bring this to their attention.

When a Middleton parishioner challenged the Environment Agency (EA) about “how should I have come to know about this?”: Their response was it has been in all local papers!!! Really??

The EA website (link above) says:-

  • Registration is free
  • You only need to register once
  • Discharges to surface waters must be registered immediately
  • Discharges to ground should be registered any time before 1 January 2012

You can register online which is simplest and there are help guides on the website.

It would be great if the internet users of our community could help the non web savvy members register and if anyone wants my help, you know where to find me.

I have registered my septic tank and found the on-line process acceptably straight forward though I found some terminology  confusing. Still its easier than other web based offerings form the powers at be such as Revenue and Customs which I always find challenging.

I did struggle to find my National Grid Number (No, not that National Grid!) using the arial photograph based grid number finder until I realised that the number in question appears bottom left of screen if you scroll down to find it.
I hope you find this useful.

With best wishes,

David Holland (Cllr)
Court House

PS -At least this makes a change from me going on about pylons!

PPS – We have Cllr Keith Hughes of Middleton to thank for bringing this to our attention. 

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