Agenda for Next Parish Council Meeting – Monday 1 October 2012

 The next meeting of  Pebmarsh Parish Council will be held on

Monday 1 October 2012

in the Village Hall Committee Room

for the purpose of transacting the following business:


 1.         Election of Chairman

To elect a Chairman of the Parish Council, as the position is currently vacant. The Chairman to sign the declaration  of acceptance of office.

2.         Election of Vice-Chairman

To elect a Vice-Chairman in the event that this office becomes vacant.

 3.         Apologies for Absence

Members are reminded that the LGA1972, s85 states that apologies for absence must be received prior to a  meeting.

 4.         Minutes of the Previous Meeting Held 20 August 2012

To agree and sign the minutes.

5.         Declarations of Interest

To declare the existence and nature of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, other

Pecuniary Interest or Non-Pecuniary Interest relating to items on the agenda having

regard to the Code of Conduct for Members and having taken appropriate advice

where necessary before the meeting.

6.         Public Forum

Opportunity for the public to raise issues or ask questions of Councillors.

7.         District and County Items

7.1       BDC Issues

7.2       ECC Issues

8.         Code of Conduct

To agree to adopt the Code of Conduct.

 9.         Deferment of Dispensation Requests to Braintree District Council

To agree that all applications for dispensation regarding Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary       Interests be directed to the Monitoring Officer at Braintree District Council, via the Parish        Council Clerk.

 10.       Register of Interests

            To ensure all Registers of Interest have been received by the Clerk, as required by statute.

 11.       Revision of Responsibilities
To revise the list of responsibilities in light of change of Council membership.

12.       Planning

  • 12/00226/TPO: 4 Mill Lane – Works to trees: fell 5 x damson trees. Consultation ended on 21 September 2012 – the Parish Council made no comments.

13.       Finance

13.1     Finance Reports

To receive the latest Finance Reports.

            13.2     Cheques to be approved for payment:

  • 13.2.1: £337.64 – Clerk Salary (Sept, Oct 2012)
  • 13.2.2: £63.20 – HMRC PAYE payment (Sept, Oct 2012)
  • 13.2.3: £58.75 – Clerk Expenses (July to Sep 2012)
  • 13.2.4: £212.08 – Expenses: G Tufnell for Parish bench refurbishment x 5

13.3     Payments made between meetings:

  • 13.3.1: £40.00 -RCCE Annual Subscription
  • 13.3.2: £168.82 – Clerk Salary (August 2012)
  • 13.3.3: £3372.00 – Halls Hard Landscaping: Playground Refurbishment
  • 13.3.4: £26.40 – A&J Lighting: Street Light Maintenance (August 2012)
  • 13.3.5: £26.40 – A&J Lighting: Street Light Maintenance (September 2012)

13.4     Monies Received:

  • 13.4.1: £5892.00 – Braintree DC: Precept 1st half and Parish Support Grant
  • 13.4.2: £1005.53 – Braintree DC: Street Cleaning Agreement
  • 13.4.3: £50.00 – St John the Baptist Primary PTA: Car Parking Fee
  • 13.4.4: £4120.00 – Braintree DC: Precept 2nd half

14.       Grass Cutting – Clay Hill

To clarify the arrangements.

15.       Village Sign

To discuss the way forward.

16.       Letters of Thanks

To agree and arrange.

17.       Jubilee Oak Plaque

To agree wording and expenditure.

18.       Clerk’s Report
The Clerk to go through any correspondence received.

19.       Date of Next Meeting

To set the date of the next meeting.

20.       Closure

Philippa Potter

Philippa Potter, Clerk to the Council

24 September 2012

Affordable Housing – Completion statement. 12 Oct 2009 12 Oct 2009

A survey was conducted by the Parish Council in 2004 which established the need for affordable housing in Pebmarsh. This was partly due to the fact that some of the smaller houses and cottages in Pebmarsh had been extended and converted into 3 and 4 bed houses, thus depriving the village of affordable small starter homes suitable for young local persons, young families and other eligible local people  all  with an affordable housing need. The council took the view that we needed to retain and provide affordable housing for people with a local connection in order that the village would not stagnate and to facilitate the benefits of the extended family.

 The Parish Council then initiated the Affordable Housing Project and Suffolk Housing association agreed to take on the project.   Braintree District Council approved the plans for the project in Dec 2007.  Iceni Homes who are Suffolk Housing Society’s development agency, oversaw the project and building work started in 2008.  All tenancies were allocated to local people in Sept 2009.

A Section 106 agreement was inserted into the planning application which, in the main served 2 purposes:

1. All housing to be available only to people with a local connection and to be allocated according to the 6 criteria of the S106 agreement in priority order.
2. On completion, The Developer will make a contribution to the Parish Council  towards Play Equipment.

The Parish Council made it known at various meetings during the project that these would be affordable houses only for people with a local connection who also had a housing need.

The Parish Council also offered to assist Parishioners with the local connection part of their application to ensure that their Local Connection was presented in the best possible light and also advised parishioners that in order to apply for an affordable home, they had to be registered on the Braintree District Council Housing Register before applying.

Early in 2009, Braintree District Council introduced a new application process for available housing called the Choice Based Lettings System.  This system was a partnership between 7 district Councils and would make any property that became available in any of the 7 districts available for anyone in those 7 districts to bid for. The bidding would be open for one week.  In the case of the 10 new affordable houses/appartments in Pebmarsh, the Choice Based lettings system would clearly state that these houses/appartments were only for people with a local connection. Despite this, over 430 applications were received and it appears that only about 89 of these applications stated that they had a local connection.

10 of these applications satisfied the 1st priority criteria of the S106 Local connection agreement and were subsequently awarded the 10 available tenancies.

The Parish Council’s involvement in this process was as follows:

1. The Affordable homes being built were all two bedrooms units and more. Under Braintree District Council Housing rules, this would have excluded all single persons from applying. We asked for under occupation to considered and our request was granted. All properties are under occupied but all are occupied by local people.
2. We helped to clarify that in determining the allocation of the properties, the Local connection would take precedence over housing need. Again, it was re confirmed to us that this would be the case.
3. The Parish council would help verify the Local connection of prospective tenants before the tenancies were allocated. The day after the bidding ended, I received a short list by phone of 10 prospective tenants and was asked to verify their local connection. I immediatly contacted the available councillors and asked to help verify their local connection.  Cllr Sue Rawlinson was away that day and Cllr.Harry Anderson was not available. I spoke to Cllr. Holder who helped verify and he did not comment on Jenny Holder’s connection as he declared a personal Interest. Cllr Holder was at his son’s wedding at the time.  I then spoke to Cllr. J. Fenner who helped verify and he chose not comment on the  two applicants, Natalie and Sharon Smith as he declared a personal interest. I reported back to BDC and verified 9 applicants and could not confirm or deny the final 10th applicant. 

I would like to, at this stage, state that it must have been very hard for the two councillors who had a personal interest not to disclose to their families that they knew who was on the short list and I would say that it was probably one of the most difficult things for a parent to do to keep quiet and see their children suffer the anxiety and waiting till the official announcement was made 4 days later by Suffolk Housing.

Joseph Burlo

Chairman’s Annual Report 16th June 2009

                                                              Pebmarsh Parish Council 

Report By Chariman J. Burlo for Y/E 16 June 09

 This is my 2nd Annual Parish Meeting as Chairman. Once again, thanks to Jonathan Nott, my predecessor, for his involvement of over 30 years with the Parish council Thanks also to Tom Newman who resigned his post as Vice chairman in Feb. for all his valuable work as a Parish Councillor. 

Matters dealt with:

12 Planning meetings   7 Council meetings   1 Budget meeting 

Current Parish Councillors

1 member co opted after statutory notice posted on noticeboard failed to produce enough parishioners requesting an election.  Chairman – Joe Burlo.  Vice chair – Tom Newman –( resigned early 2009).  Existing member Sue Rawlinson.    Existing member Harry Anderson.  New member Julian Fenner to replace Tom Newman.   New appointment of existing member Jim Holder to Vice Chairman , to fill Vice chair vacancy left by Tom Newman. 

New Appointment

Parish Clerk – Philippa Potter.   Julia Race resigned as she has moved out of the district and we would like to thank her for many years of valuable service to the PC as Clerk. We advertised for the position of a parish Clerk and after interviewing Philippa Potter on 3 separate occasions, found her to be suitably qualified and appointed her as our new Parish Clerk.

 Affordable Housing Development at Water Lane

The affordable housing Development is nearing completion with an expected hand over date of August 2009.These are affordable houses for people with a local connection. Closer to completion date, Braintree District Council will advertise the availability of these houses/apartments and will clearly state in the adverts that these are subject to the 106 Agreement meaning that they are only for people with a local connection. Interested applicants will need to immediately register with BDC on their housing list and also state that they are applying only for the affordable housing at Water Lane. If they can show that they have a housing need and qualify for it, they can then select and apply/bid for one of the properties at Water lane as soon as BDC makes them available on their website through the ‘Choice Based Lettings ‘system. Regardless of  banding, applicants will still be able to apply for one of the properties because the final shortlist will be based on ‘local connection’ and not on banding.  Applicants will need to state what their local connection is and the Parish Council understands that the local connection will over ride anyone else that applies but who does not have a local connection. Single persons can also apply to be short listed for 2 bed properties as long as they have a local connection.  Please remember that the Parish council will not be allocating the housing. Suffolk Housing will be making the allocations after BDC has sent them a short list of applicants that they consider have a housing need and also have a local connection. The Parish Council will be happy to receive a short history from interested applicants outlining their local connection. Please remember that applicants must present this local connection to BDC when appliying to join the housing register.  

Liaising with BT Open Reach

Most of last year’s problems have been solved and even though we are still short of lines in the village, the situation is greatly improved from what it was 2 years ago.  

Liaising with ECC Highways to rebuild path between school and church. 

This has finally been completed with the assistance of our ECC Representative, Cllr David Finch.

 Improvements have been made to the playground.

Thanks to Cllr. Sue Rawlinson in successfully obtaining grants for new equipment. The PC has also paid for and provided new sterilised bark for the children’s play area at a cost to the Pc of around £800. Thank you to Cllr Sue Rawlinson for organising it and also organising the laying of the bark.

 Street Lighting

All street lights are in working order and the lights near the war memorial and outside Greathouse have been repaired.

 Wireless Broadband

The survey conducted in the village has proved a need for wireless broadband. We are now looking at making an application  for a grant to install  the equipment needed to provide wireless broadband for Pebmarsh.  If successful, households will be able to receive broadband without the need for a BT line via subscription at a comparable rate to other broadband suppliers.  Access will be through a small ariel in the roofspace of the property.

Street Cleaning Partnership with BDC

This Partnership has been renewed with BDC for 2009/2010. I am the appointed person for parishioners to notify about fly tipping in the Parish. A notice to this effect is up on the Parish notice board at the Village Hall and outside St John the Baptist Church.  BDC promise to remove within 48 hours of being notified any fly tipping  .  Partnership also includes us notifying BDC when we require the Recycling Bins to be emptied..  BDC will provide refuse sacks on demand , remove waste from pre determined locations and also remove fly tips within 48 hours. BDC will also provide 4 channel sweeps per year. 


Recycling bins have now been available for Parishioners use for the over 5 years and are used on a regular basis for  glass, Magazines and cans. The larger bins have now been replaced by smaller bins to make it easier for the  the Recycling vehicles to empty them and further bins have been added for Green glass, shoes and magazines.   

Local Bus Routes

Newly appointed Cllr Julian Fenner has taken on the task as our Public transport representative.  Julian will update you in his report. 

Post Office

The parish council is looking into re opening the sub post office in Pebmarsh. We conducted a survey and it showed that there is a case for re opening a sub post office in Pebmarsh.  Cllr. Jim Holder will update you on the current progress.


The Parish Council has decided that it would seek to appoint suitably qualified parishioners in a voluntary advisory role regarding matters that demanded specialist knowledge. We are pleased to welcome Mike Garnham as our advisor regarding Planning and Environmental Matters.  We are also happy that James Tucker has agreed to continue in his role as our Internal Auditor.


I have joined the Executive committee of the Braintree Association of Local Councils. This will enable us to be more involved in matters that require the collective decisions/discussions of all the local councils.

Other Duties

I undertake other duties as and when necessary.  

Joseph Burlo

Chairman  PPC

Tuesday, 16 June 2009  

Pebmarsh Parish Council Minutes

Minutes of Pebmarsh Parish Council held onMonday 1 October 2007 in the village hall at 7.30 pm Present:          Clr J Burlo (Chairman)                     

Clr H Anderson                                 

Clr D McGovern                               

Clr S Rawlinson                                                                                             Mrs J Race (Clerk) Visitors: Clr D Finch, ECC Clr A Shelton, BDC, 1 parishioner    

                                                                                                                    1.      Apologies for absence – Clr T Newman  2.      Declarations of interest – none 

3.      Minutes of meeting held on 23 July 2007 were circulated, read and following amendment made:   ‘(5.1) 25 applicants, and 10 people on housing list with Pebmarsh as first choice, 3 used………..’ and then signed by the Chairman. 4.      Matters Arising

4.1.  Planings at the recycling site – Clr J Burlo confirmed planings rolled and    laid, by courtesy of Mr J Not free gratis.

4.2.  School PTA donation towards laid planings in village car park – Clr S Rawlinson to chase up.

4.3.       Path leading from village hall towards the church – ECC, Highways confirmed arrangements for work to overlay worst section outside the school as a short term measure and add onto the works programme.  Long term – kerbing infill to stop further erosion down the road and the footpath will need to be surfaced from the village hall entrance towards the village.  This is a section that will need to be monitored in the interim, with a view to assess in detail to carry out major works early in next financial year. Everything is safe at present.  Clr Finch will chase up and urge the works to be completed in this year’s programme. 5.      Affordable Housing

5.1.        Clr H Anderson commented that Iceni Home agreed to send a final draft of the plans prior to submission of the planning application and have failed to do so.  The Councillors looked at the plans and discussed the 106 agreement.  With a majority vote the Parish Council support the application, with the following comments and exception:   ·        The street lighting issue had been addressed – the Parish Council raised no objections. 

·        Concerns were made regarding Block 2, C & D, nearest to the neighbours in

Water Lane

in that the new plans were the same as the previous plans and the Parish Council was concerned that the roof height had not been lowered was concerned that the roof height had not been lowered and that their concerns about site lines have not been met – this issue does not appear to have been addressed

·        106 agreement – The 3 questions previously raised were addressed ie no rental housing, allocated playground monies of £3,200 held by BDC and the Parish Council submit a request for a specific scheme; part 2 of schedule 1, Parish Council ‘s request not to cascade allocation to all was turned down although objections were previously raised by the Parish Council.   It was agreed to pass on the above comments to BDC and Iceni Homes. 6.      Finance

6.1.      Financial report was circulated and reconciled to the Bank statement of 31 August 2007.  A closing balance of £2,905.25 was shown as £1,460.84 in the Current Account and £95.50 in the Reserve Account.  Precept amount of £2,900 had been received from BDC but not shown on the statement.

6.2.     It was agreed to re-instate car park rental.  Clerk to raise invoice re PTA for £50.00.

6.3.     It was agreed to request funding from the Pebmarsh Country Show for: election costs £233, outdoor play area drainage £100, emergency £500 totalling £833.  Clerk to complete form.6.4.     Cheques approved for payment:No. 583 £270.00 Mark A Smith, grass cutting (11/7, 4/8, 28/8)No. 584 £430.00 Strutt & Parker (£180 village hall, £250 GlebelandsNo. 585 £386.25 Mrs J Race, Clerk’s salary (Jul-Sept), £22.78 Expenses (Jul-Sept)           

7.      District & County reports

7.1.       District report – Clr A Shelton, BDC reported on various matters and the salient points were: funding scheme is being extended – information received and passed to Clr S Rawlinson; scrutinising  this year’s budget and looking at reducing costs of approximately £1.5 million when local housing is transferred in November; considering one chief executive to manage both Colchester and Braintree Districts – mention of re-branding costly was raised; new swimming pool at Braintree nearing completion by end of this month, costing £7.5 million; next meeting of new Halstead Local Committee to be held on 20 November.

7.2.       County report – Clr D Finch, ECC reported on various matters and the salient points were: meeting with Chief Constable at BDC offices at 7.30 pm on19 November; new initiative Essex Works – putting the customer first; half yearly finance budget £1.4 billion, gross £2 billion main expenses being central services ie finance, human resources, adult social care; speed watch scheme with free training and equipment – Pebmarsh may be interested; trading standards increased powers for weight restrictions in villages –  Parish Council commented that grain lorries are exempt; new insurance scheme due to be launched to include Parish Councils.

7.3.  Planning –  see 5.1 above  8.      Reports from Representatives

8.1.  Street Lighting – Clr S Rawlinson reported voluntary repairs to light   completed. 8.2.     Bus Shelters – Clr S Rawlinson reported voluntary repairs to the bus shelter opposite Kings Head had been completed.   Clr Rawlinson reported she had personally visited the parents of the children who had damaged the bus shelter and mentioned any further vandalism would be reported to the Police who would take action and a possible fine imposed.  8.3.  Playing field – bark urgently required.  Information being sought.   9.      Correspondence

9.1.  BDC, Community Warden’s report – 1 vandalism, a litter, 2 fly posting, 3 public relations totalling 9 issues dealt with.

9.2.  BDC, Cluster meeting hosted by Twinstead in July – item 3 of Minutes,  Matters Arising, letters of objection for planning applications not being  published. Head of BDC Planning  attended Essex Planning forum and, after   discussion that some other Councils currently publish their letters of          objection, BDC has considered this issue and will also put into practice possibly end of this year/beginning of 2008.

9.3.  BDC, Various funding grants available – passed to Clr S Rawlinson

9.4.  BDC, recyling newsletter, indicating collection calendar, being delivered to all parishioners during next 2-3 weeks.

9.5.  BDC, Rural Services Survey – list checked and Clerk to return                          .

10. Public comments – lead from the church roof had recently been taken.  Comment was made that there is currently a spate of robberies of this type in the area.  

11. Any other business

11.1. Notices in the notice board removed over the weekend.  Suggestion of a lock – Clr S Rawlinson to deal with.

11.2.   Clayhills signage – Chairman J Burlo reported that complaints had been received regarding unclear signage in
Oak Road and Clayhills area where emergency services had been unable to locate specific address.  He confirmed a site visit had taken place and ECC, Highways agreed to erect new street signs at top of Clayhills/Oak Road indicating 1-14 Clayhills and another sign indicating numbers in Oak road towards Hamsters Close.     

12. Items for next meeting

12.1. Update of path leading from the village hall to the church 13. Date of next meeting:    

Monday 12 November 2007             Meeting closed at 9.30 pm


Minutes of Parish Council meeting held 23rd July 2007

Minutes of Pebmarsh Parish Council held onMonday 23 July 2007 in the village hall at 7.30 pm 

Present:          Clr J Burlo (Chairman)                      Visitors:                        Clr T Newman (Vice Chairman)      Moira Groborz, Rural Housing Enabler                        Clr S Rawlinson                                 Philip Merton, Iceni LtdClr H Anderson                                  Clr D FinchMrs J Race (Clerk)                            4 parishioners                                                                         

1.      Declarations of interest – new form completed by all councillors.  Forms to be sent by Clerk to BDC.  

2.      Apologies for absence – Clr D McGovern, A Shelton (BDC) 

3.      Minutes of meeting held on 18 June 2007 and planning meeting 18 July 2007 were circulated, read, agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. 

4.      Matters Arising4.1.       Bank Mandate form  – signed by all Councillors4.2.       Planings at the recycling site – Chairman J Burlo arranging4.3.       Parish Council insurance premiums – Clr D Finch, ECC explained                          information due to be sent out re a County brokerage scheme out where                            Parish Councils could benefit from a 10-15% reduction.4.4.       Path leading from village hall towards the church – Chairman J Burlo explained problems and visited site with Clr D Finch, ECC.  Request made by the Councillors to level, widen and repair the path – Clr D Finch to pass on to Highways Department. 

5.      Affordable Housing –  Chairman J Burlo welcomed Moira Groborz, Rural Housing Enabler and Philip Merton, Iceni Ltd to the meeting.  5.1.       Housing list indicating Pebmarsh as their choice: there are currently 25 applicants, 5 live in Pebmarsh, 3 used to live in the village, 2 need to move back for family support.  No information is available of the remaining 15 on the list.  Housing Association to re-visit interested applications.  Parish Council to look at housing list to ascertain firm Pebmarsh connections.  5.2.       Revised plan was displayed and explained by Mr Merton from Iceni Ltd.  Changes are:  No of housing 10 (not 8), increase car parking spaces to 21, lower ridge height by 2 ft to minimise visual impact on surrounding          houses,  low level lighting, minimise hard landscape to hedging, chain link fencing between properties, increase planting. The Parish Council suggested natural colour rendering of houses and natural hedging boundary around development.  M Grobortz, Enabler,  to provide information of new scheme working in East Hanningfield5.3.       106 Agreement – draft had been looked at by Councillors and passed to the Rural Enabler with suggested amendments.  Any further suggestions to be made by Parish Council as soon as possible.         General queries raised:           Would a service charge be made? – Rural Enabler to check and commented it was usually the responsibility of Housing Association that is included in the rent. Landscape and maintenance would be the responsibility of Suffolk Housing Association.       What are estimated costs of the development? – £1.1 million, and will exceed budget.        Is there to be a play area within new development? it is a requirement  of the scheme that some facilities are included.       What extent has Parish Council involvement/influence re 106 agreement?  BDC will consider Parish Council suggestions and then make final decisions on agreement.      What of full occupancy status? BDC and Suffolk housing decide and cascade down information.                        Final comments being made by the Parish Council to be taken back to Iceni architects prior to planning application being submitted to BDC, envisaged to       be submitted in a few weeks. 

6.      Finance 6.1.       Bank mandatory form signed by all Councillors 6.2.       Insurance – Clr H Anderson has looked at current policy and confirmed current Public Liability and Employee covers voluntary workers/work to carry out tasks such        as grass cutting, general repair work to public areas whilst using own, hired or borrowed equipment and tools.6.3.       Financial report was circulated showing a balance of £3,977.81.  £110.45 received from ECC re verge cutting grant after June accounts completed.6.4.       Cheques approved for payment: Cheque No. 578 £48.43 Just Lamps, replacement light            “        579 £165.36 e-on Energy, street lighting electricity            “        580 £429.15 Mrs J Race,(Clerk’s Salary £386.25, exp £42.90 April-June)             “        581 £233.97 BDC, election costs            “        582 £270.00 Mark A Smith, grass cutting 20/5, 2/6, 20/6 

7.      District & County report 7.1.       District report – none7.2.       County report – Clr D Finch, ECC reported a public meeting with attendance by Chief Constable re policing in the rural areas is being arranged.  Statistics being compiled from results taken from survey conducted during the year.  County tax set lower than previous year by efficient programme to cut down on inefficiencies that saved £34 million.  £3.9 million being set aside for bridle ways and footpaths.  As Post Office closures continue ECC to consider giving  relief in some areas such as business rates.  Trading Standards have been working on weight restrictions primarily in Witham and Braintree areas.  Telephone wires being stolen for their copper value in rural areas.   Resident raised matter of road safety in the village and suggestion of Sid’s (flashing 30 mph sign) was made.  Clr D Finch mentioned there are costs involved and would find out details.   Possible funding may be available from Community Initiative, and Rural Initiative grants.   

7.3.       Planning –  none 

8.      Reports from Representatives8.1.       Street Lighting – Clr S Rawlinson reported villager (husband) has                  volunteered to repair and replace street light glass, and paint where needed        in existing colour.8.2.     Bus Shelters – Clr S Rawlinson reported persistent vandalisation of bus shelter. It was agreed to send formal letters –  Clr H Anderson to deal with.8.3.       Playing field – Clr S Rawlinson to contact Clr D McGovern re bark prices 

9.      Correspondence9.1.       Community Warden’s report – 1 litter, contact with community group, 1 public                         relations9.2.       VHMC offered to pay 1/3rd towards cost of equipment hire to carry out re-surfacing of the car park 

10. Public comments 

11. Any other business – Clr S Rawlinson asked for an additional Councillor to read CCTV footage – Clr T Newman offered and name to be added to list of authorised personnel. 

12. Date of next meeting: Monday 1 October 2007                                             

Meeting closed at 9.45 pm



A meeting of the Parish Council Planning Committee will be held on Saturday 14 July 2007 in the Village Hall Committee Room at 11.00 am

 Clerk to the Council 

1.     Application No. 07/01255/FUL Overseers Cottage, 1 Dowmans Chase – Demolition of porch and extension, erection of new two-storey extensions to side and rear


2.     Application No. 07/01257/FUL 14 Clay Hills – erection of rear extension, front porch and garage to rear


      Parishioners with a qualified interest are invited to attend.


Joe Burlo – Chariman