Minutes of Pebmarsh Parish Council held onMonday 1 October 2007 in the village hall at 7.30 pm Present:         Clr J Burlo (Chairman)                    Â
Clr H Anderson                                Â
Clr D McGovern                              Â
Clr S Rawlinson                                                                                         Mrs J Race (Clerk) Visitors: Clr D Finch, ECC Clr A Shelton, BDC, 1 parishioner   Â
                                                                                                                   1.     Apologies for absence – Clr T Newman 2.     Declarations of interest – noneÂ
3.     Minutes of meeting held on 23 July 2007 were circulated, read and following amendment made:  ‘(5.1) 25 applicants, and 10 people on housing list with Pebmarsh as first choice, 3 used………..’ and then signed by the Chairman. 4.     Matters Arising
4.1. Planings at the recycling site – Clr J Burlo confirmed planings rolled and   laid, by courtesy of Mr J Not free gratis.
4.2. School PTA donation towards laid planings in village car park – Clr S Rawlinson to chase up.
4.3.      Path leading from village hall towards the church – ECC, Highways confirmed arrangements for work to overlay worst section outside the school as a short term measure and add onto the works programme. Long term – kerbing infill to stop further erosion down the road and the footpath will need to be surfaced from the village hall entrance towards the village. This is a section that will need to be monitored in the interim, with a view to assess in detail to carry out major works early in next financial year. Everything is safe at present. Clr Finch will chase up and urge the works to be completed in this year’s programme. 5.     Affordable Housing
5.1.       Clr H Anderson commented that Iceni Home agreed to send a final draft of the plans prior to submission of the planning application and have failed to do so. The Councillors looked at the plans and discussed the 106 agreement. With a majority vote the Parish Council support the application, with the following comments and exception:  ·       The street lighting issue had been addressed – the Parish Council raised no objections.Â
·       Concerns were made regarding Block 2, C & D, nearest to the neighbours in
in that the new plans were the same as the previous plans and the Parish Council was concerned that the roof height had not been lowered was concerned that the roof height had not been lowered and that their concerns about site lines have not been met – this issue does not appear to have been addressed
·       106 agreement – The 3 questions previously raised were addressed ie no rental housing, allocated playground monies of £3,200 held by BDC and the Parish Council submit a request for a specific scheme; part 2 of schedule 1, Parish Council ‘s request not to cascade allocation to all was turned down although objections were previously raised by the Parish Council.  It was agreed to pass on the above comments to BDC and Iceni Homes. 6.     Finance
6.1.     Financial report was circulated and reconciled to the Bank statement of 31 August 2007. A closing balance of £2,905.25 was shown as £1,460.84 in the Current Account and £95.50 in the Reserve Account. Precept amount of £2,900 had been received from BDC but not shown on the statement.
6.2.    It was agreed to re-instate car park rental. Clerk to raise invoice re PTA for £50.00.
6.3.    It was agreed to request funding from the Pebmarsh Country Show for: election costs £233, outdoor play area drainage £100, emergency £500 totalling £833. Clerk to complete form.6.4.    Cheques approved for payment:No. 583 £270.00 Mark A Smith, grass cutting (11/7, 4/8, 28/8)No. 584 £430.00 Strutt & Parker (£180 village hall, £250 GlebelandsNo. 585 £386.25 Mrs J Race, Clerk’s salary (Jul-Sept), £22.78 Expenses (Jul-Sept)          Â
7.     District & County reports
7.1.      District report – Clr A Shelton, BDC reported on various matters and the salient points were: funding scheme is being extended – information received and passed to Clr S Rawlinson; scrutinising this year’s budget and looking at reducing costs of approximately £1.5 million when local housing is transferred in November; considering one chief executive to manage both Colchester and Braintree Districts – mention of re-branding costly was raised; new swimming pool at Braintree nearing completion by end of this month, costing £7.5 million; next meeting of new Halstead Local Committee to be held on 20 November.
7.2.      County report – Clr D Finch, ECC reported on various matters and the salient points were: meeting with Chief Constable at BDC offices at 7.30 pm on19 November; new initiative Essex Works – putting the customer first; half yearly finance budget £1.4 billion, gross £2 billion main expenses being central services ie finance, human resources, adult social care; speed watch scheme with free training and equipment – Pebmarsh may be interested; trading standards increased powers for weight restrictions in villages –  Parish Council commented that grain lorries are exempt; new insurance scheme due to be launched to include Parish Councils.
7.3. Planning –  see 5.1 above 8.     Reports from Representatives
8.1. Street Lighting – Clr S Rawlinson reported voluntary repairs to light  completed. 8.2.    Bus Shelters – Clr S Rawlinson reported voluntary repairs to the bus shelter opposite Kings Head had been completed.   Clr Rawlinson reported she had personally visited the parents of the children who had damaged the bus shelter and mentioned any further vandalism would be reported to the Police who would take action and a possible fine imposed. 8.3. Playing field – bark urgently required. Information being sought.   9.     Correspondence
9.1. BDC, Community Warden’s report – 1 vandalism, a litter, 2 fly posting, 3 public relations totalling 9 issues dealt with.
9.2. BDC, Cluster meeting hosted by Twinstead in July – item 3 of Minutes,  Matters Arising, letters of objection for planning applications not being  published. Head of BDC Planning  attended Essex Planning forum and, after  discussion that some other Councils currently publish their letters of         objection, BDC has considered this issue and will also put into practice possibly end of this year/beginning of 2008.
9.3. BDC, Various funding grants available – passed to Clr S Rawlinson
9.4. BDC, recyling newsletter, indicating collection calendar, being delivered to all parishioners during next 2-3 weeks.
9.5. BDC, Rural Services Survey – list checked and Clerk to return                         .
10. Public comments – lead from the church roof had recently been taken. Comment was made that there is currently a spate of robberies of this type in the area. Â
11. Any other business
11.1. Notices in the notice board removed over the weekend. Suggestion of a lock – Clr S Rawlinson to deal with.
11.2.  Clayhills signage – Chairman J Burlo reported that complaints had been received regarding unclear signage in
Oak Road and Clayhills area where emergency services had been unable to locate specific address. He confirmed a site visit had taken place and ECC, Highways agreed to erect new street signs at top of
12. Items for next meeting
12.1. Update of path leading from the village hall to the church 13. Date of next meeting:   Â
Monday 12 November 2007Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Meeting closed at 9.30 pm