A meeting of the Parish Council Planning Committee will be held on Saturday 14 July 2007 in the Village Hall Committee Room at 11.00 am

 Clerk to the Council 

1.     Application No. 07/01255/FUL Overseers Cottage, 1 Dowmans Chase – Demolition of porch and extension, erection of new two-storey extensions to side and rear


2.     Application No. 07/01257/FUL 14 Clay Hills – erection of rear extension, front porch and garage to rear


      Parishioners with a qualified interest are invited to attend.


Joe Burlo – Chariman


The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 23rd July 07 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.   All parishioners are welcome to attend.

There will be a public session for questions at the end of the meeting.

Joe Burlo – Chairman

Pebmarsh Parish Council – Regular updates and news

Tom Newman is our Parish Council’s  new comunications officer and will be publishing Parish news and updates on a regular basis including dates of forthcoming Parish meetings and minutes of past meetings. We hope you will find this new service usefull. You may e mail us at: info@parishcouncil.pebmarsh.com

We hope to introduce more features to this site as the year progresses.

Joe Burlo – Chairman