Next Parish Council Meeting Monday 28 Nov 2011 – 7.30pm Village Hall Committee Room

Monday 28 November 2011

in the Village Hall Committee Room

for the purpose of transacting the following business:


1.         Apologies for Absence

Members are reminded that the LGA1972, s85 states that apologies for absence must be received prior to a meeting.


2.         Minutes of the Previous Meeting Held 19 September 2011

            To agree and sign the minutes.


3.         Declarations of Interest

To declare any ‘personal’ or ‘personal and prejudicial’ interests relating to items on the agenda having regard to paragraphs 8 to 12 (inclusive) of the Code of Conduct for Members part 5/1 of the Constitution and having taken appropriate advice (where necessary) before the meeting.

4.         Public Forum

            Opportunity for the public to raise issues or ask questions of Councillors.


5.         District and County Items

            5.1       BDC Issues

            5.2       ECC Issues


6.         BDC Planning Issues

6.1            Planning Application

            This application has been submitted by Pebmarsh Parish Council:

  • 11/00310/TPO: Land at the War Memorial Green, The Street – Notice of intent to carry out works to trees in a Conservation Area – Fell 1 Horse Chestnut.


6.2            Planning Results

                        The following applications were granted:

  • 11/00245/TPO: Willow Cottage, Mill Lane – Notice of intent to carry out works to tree in a Conservation Area – Fell 1 Willow tree.
  • 11/01052/FUL: Hurst Cote, Cross End – Single storey rear extension and alterations including conversion of existing garage to accommodation.
  • 11/00245/TPOCON: Willow Cottage, Mill Lane – Fell 1 Willow tree.
    The following application was submitted by Pebmarsh Parish Council:
  • 11/00310/TPO: Land at the War Memorial Green, The Street – Notice of intent to carry out works to trees in a Conservation Area – Fell 1 Horse Chestnut.

7.         Reports from Representatives

            To receive any reports from representatives:

  • Playing fields/playground/bus shelter: RoSPA Inspection
  • Village Hall
  • Street Lighting
  • Footpaths
  • Legal – Street Lighting Contract Renewal

8.         BDC Green Heart of Essex – Jubilee Oak Project

            To receive an update on this project.


9.         ECC P3 – Parish Paths Partnership

            To receive any update with regard to volunteer input for this scheme.
10.       ECC Winter Salt Bag Scheme 2011/12

            To receive any update with the progress of the scheme for this winter.


11.       BDC Mi Community Fund
            To discuss putting an outline application in to this fund – deadline date 30 November 2011.

12.       Finance

            12.1            Finance Report

                        To receive the latest finance reports.

            12.2            Cheques to be approved for payment:

                        12.2.1            £320.64            Clerk Salary (Oct, Nov)

                        12.2.2            £  27.37            Clerk Expenses (13 July to 13 September)
                        12.2.3            £  80.20            HMRC (Clerk PAYE)

                        12.2.4            £104.40            RoSPA Inspection Fee

                        12.2.4            £  35.00            Data Protection Register Fee

                        12.2.5            £162.00            Audit Commission – External Audit Fee

            12.3            Payments made between meetings:

                        12.3.1            £    26.40            A&J Lighting – Maintenance    (by d/d)

                        12.3.2            £    90.24            A&J Lighting – Annual Maintenance (by d/d)

                        12.3.3            £1433.33            Public Works Loan Board

13.       Budget and Precept – 2012/13

            To discuss and agree the budget and precept for the next financial year.


14.       Clerk’s Report
The Clerk to go through any correspondence received.


15.       Date of Next Meeting

            To set the date of the next meeting.


16.       Closure



Philippa Potter

Philippa Potter

Clerk to the Council

Minutes of Parish Council meeting of 19 Sept 2011



Present:                                                                       In attendance:     

Cllr J Burlo                                                                Mrs P Potter (Clerk)                Cllr H Anderson                                                          2 members of the public
            Cllr J Holder                                                 

Cllr J Tufnell

Cllr S Nott                                                                 


1.         Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from District Cllr Anthony Shelton and County Cllr David Finch.


2.         Minutes of the Previous Meeting Held 18 July 2011

            The minutes were agreed as a true record and signed accordingly.


3.         Declarations of Interest

Cllr Anderson declared a personal interest in item 6.1 as a neighbour of the applicant.

4.         Public Forum

            It was reported that there have been a spate of burglaries in Cross End, with items             being taken from sheds and cars.  There are further details on the Parish Council             website.


            The Pebmarsh Conservation Area Appraisal was discussed at a recent BDC Planning             Committee, which was held at their Witham offices due to refurbishment work at             Causeway House.  The Appraisal has been taken back to be revised again, following             suggested revisions at the meeting and will be presented again at a future date.


            It was reported that the fence around the playground needs some attention – this will     be looked at as soon as possible.


5.         District and County Items

            5.1       BDC Issues

            5.2       ECC Issues


6.         BDC Planning Issues

            6.1            Planning Application
                        11/00245/TPO: Willow Cottage, Mill Lane – Notice of intent to carry out                                works to tree in a Conservation Area – Fell 1 Willow tree.  It was agreed not                       to comment on this application.

            6.2            Planning Results

                        The following application was granted – this was noted by the Council.

  • 11/00813/FUL: Broomhills, Catley Cross – Erection of temporary agricultural worker’s dwelling.


6.3            Planning Committee
            The following application was received between meetings.  It was noted that it          was agreed to comment that the extension be kept to a reasonable size and that             conditions be placed on any permission with regard to hours of work, parking             and vehicular movements:

  • 11/01052/FUL: Hurstcote, Cross End – Erection of single storey rear extension and alterations including conversion of existing garage to accommodation.

6.4            Planning Committee Policy

            It was agreed that the Parish Council’s policy when commenting on either new             builds or major works, will be to ask for conditions relating to hours of work             and the parking of vehicles, to help ease the disruption to neighbouring             residents.

6.5            Unauthorised Traveller Encampments

            The Parish Council received information from BDC regarding the procedures             relating to unauthorised traveller encampments.


6.6            National Planning Policy Framework Consultation

            The Clerk will circulate the above consultation to the Council.

7.         Reports from Representatives

            To receive any reports from representatives:

  • Playing fields/playground/bus shelter: The RoSPA Inspection will take place sometime this month.  The fence will be checked by Cllrs Burlo and Nott.
  • Village Hall – all very healthy with bookings going well.  It was agreed that Cllr Tufnell and Cllr Nott need a Village Hall key, in their roles as emergency planning representatives.
  • Street Lighting – Nothing to report.
  • Footpaths – The first cut has been done but it is not certain when the second is due.
  • Legal – Street Lighting Contract Renewal: this has been returned to A&J Lighting with one of the clauses altered, regarding the amount which would be payable by the Council on early termination of the contract being pro rata.

8.            Neighbourhood Watch Co-Ordinator

            The current co-ordinator is giving up this role.  Cllr Burlo will advertise this via the             website and noticeboards.


9.         BDC Green Heart of Essex – Jubilee Oak Project

            The application form for this project will be returned to BDC with the memorial green             as the location.  The Clerk will also obtain the necessary Conservation Area works to          trees form from BDC, in order to apply to fell the old  tree on the green, which is in             decline.


10.       ECC P3 – Parish Paths Partnership

  • ECC require volunteers to be part of the P3 scheme, along with the footpath cutting regime.  Cllr Burlo will put a notice on the Parish Council’s website.
  • Footpath Map:  The Clerk will contact BDC to ascertain what printing services they could offer to the Council to reproduce the footpath map.

11.       ECC Winter Salt Bag Scheme 2011/12

            The application for this winter’s scheme will be completed and returned to ECC by             the Clerk.


12.       ECC Big Society Fund

            To receive an update on possible applications to this scheme.

13.       Finance

            13.1            Finance Report

                        The latest finance reports were received.

            13.2     The following cheques were approved for payment:

                        13.2.1            £400.82            Clerk Salary (Aug, Sept)

                        13.2.2            £  49.35            Clerk Expenses (13 July to 13 September)

                        13.2.3  £  66.00           A&J Lighting – Repair call out to light o/s Great House


            13.3            Payments made between meetings:


                        13.3.1            £1075.01            Zurich Insurance Premium

                        13.3.2            £    55.20            BDC – Election Returning Officer Fee

                        13.3.3            £    40.00            RCCE Membership Annual Subscription

                        13.3.4            £    10.00            BALC Annual Subscription

                        13.3.5            £    23.22            A&J Lighting Monthly Fee

                        These were received and approved.

14.       Village Sign Repairs

            The repairs to the village sign were approved by the Council.  Cllr Burlo will arrange     for this to take place.


15.       Quality Parish Council Status
            The Clerk will go through the information received on what will be needed to apply             for Quality Parish Council status and report back to the next meeting on how much    will need to be done over and above that criteria which is already met.


16.       2013 Review of Parliamentary Constituencies

            The proposed changes under this review were received, with no comments.

17.       Clerk’s Report
The Clerk went through various items received.


18.       Date of Next Meeting

            The next meeting was agreed as Monday 21 November 2011.


19.       Closure
The meeting closed at 9.30pm.




Signed ………………………………………………………….



Date ………………………………………………………….

Theft of Oil – Monday 19th Sept – early morning

In the early hours of Monday 19th Sept ( Sun/Mon), 1000 litres of heating oil were stolen from a property in the Clay Hills area.

Please be extra viligant. There appears to be someone with a screwed up moral compass looking to take advantage of the decent people of Pebmarsh.  In many instances, a few simple measures will suffice in adding an extra layer of protection to your property.

Fit a lock on your Oil Tank – Lock your car at night – Lock your shed – Lock up before you go to bed. The police will gladly come down and advise you as to which locks to use if you are unsure. (101 not 999) 

These are very isolated incidents so there is no cause for concern.

Joe Burlo

01787 269999

Volunteer Posts – 2 Vacancies. Neighbourhood Watch and Footpaths co ordinators required

We have 2 volunteer posts –

  1.  Neighbourhood watch co ordinator – 2 to 4 hours a month.  Act as laison for Pebmarsh with police neighbourhood watch officer – receive information e mails from Police and notify/pass on to Pebmarsh residents by e mail or other means.
  2. Foothpaths Co ordinator – This would suit some one who regularly uses our foothpaths for walking/dog walking . Keep an eye on foothpaths, report any work that needs doing to the Parish Council – laise with Parish Council and  Essex County and produce yearly foothpath report.

Please call Joe Burlo, Chairman on 01787 269999 or e mail Joe on

Please help us look after our village.

Joe Burlo

Chairman – 01787 269999


Thefts from Vehicles at Cross End – Early Hours Mon 19th Sept 2011

Please be vigilant. Message below from Paula  – Pebmarsh Neighbourhood Watch Co ordinator

Hi all,

In the early hours of this morning (19th September), several vehicles in the Cross End area of Pebmarsh were broken into and had valuables removed.

Essex Police have been informed and are currently in the area gathering information.

If anybody has any further information, or saw or heard any thing suspicious early this morning please advise Essex Police.

I will update this bulletin as further information becomes available.

Please feel free to forward this email to any interested contacts you may have that don’t currently receive Neighbourhood Watch updates.

Kind regards,

Pebmarsh Neighbourhood Watch Co ordinator

Next Parish Council Meeting – Monday 19th Sept 11 – 7.30pm Village Hall Committe Room – All parishioners welcome – Agenda below.

The next meeting of Pebmarsh Parish Council will be held on

Monday 19 September 2011

in the Village Hall Committee Room

for the purpose of transacting the following business:


1.         Apologies for Absence

Members are reminded that the LGA1972, s85 states that apologies for absence must be received prior to a meeting.

 2.         Minutes of the Previous Meeting Held 18 July 2011

            To agree and sign the minutes.

 3.         Declarations of Interest

To declare any ‘personal’ or ‘personal and prejudicial’ interests relating to items on the agenda having regard to paragraphs 8 to 12 (inclusive) of the Code of Conduct for Members part 5/1 of the Constitution and having taken appropriate advice (where necessary) before the meeting.

4.         Public Forum

            Opportunity for the public to raise issues or ask questions of Councillors.

5.         District and County Items

            5.1       BDC Issues

            5.2       ECC Issues

6.         BDC Planning Issues

            6.1            Planning Application
                        11/00245/TPO: Willow Cottage, Mill Lane – Notice of intent to carry out                                works to tree in a Conservation Area – Fell 1 Willow tree.

            6.2            Planning Results

                        The following application was granted:

  • 11/00813/FUL: Broomhills, Catley Cross – Erection of temporary agricultural worker’s dwelling.

6.3            Planning Committee
            The following application was received between meetings.  To note that it             was             agreed to comment that the extension be kept to a reasonable size and that             conditions be placed on any permission with regard to hours of work, parking             and vehicular movements:

  • 11/01052/FUL: Hurstcote, Cross End – Erection of single storey rear extension and alterations including conversion of existing garage to accommodation.

    6.4            Planning Committee Policy

            To familiarise the Parish Council on the Committee’s policy on new builds and major works requiring construction working times and siting of work             vehicles.

 6.5            Unauthorised Traveller Encampments

            To discuss the parish response to any unauthorised traveller encampments.

 6.6            National Planning Policy Framework Consultation

            To discuss any response required from the Parish Council.

7.         Reports from Representatives

            To receive any reports from representatives:

  • Playing fields/playground/bus shelter: RoSPA Inspection
  • Village Hall
  • Street Lighting
  • Footpaths
  • Legal – Street Lighting Contract Renewal

    8.            Neighbourhood Watch Co-Ordinator

            To discuss filling this role due to the upcoming vacancy.

 9.         BDC Green Heart of Essex – Jubilee Oak Project

            To arrange for the application form for this project to be taken forward.

 10.       ECC P3 – Parish Paths Partnership

  • To discuss the way forward with this scheme regarding volunteer input alongside contract work.
  • Footpath Map

11.       ECC Winter Salt Bag Scheme 2011/12

            To discuss taking part in the scheme this winter and arranging for the application form to be completed.

 12.       ECC Big Society Fund

            To receive an update on possible applications to this scheme.

13.       Finance

            13.1            Finance Report

                        To receive the latest finance reports.

            13.2            Cheques to be approved for payment:

                        13.2.1            £400.82            Clerk Salary (Aug, Sept)

                        13.2.2            £  49.35            Clerk Expenses (13 July to 13 September)

                        13.2.3  £66.00 A&J Lighting – Repair call out to light o/s Great House

             13.3            Payments made between meetings:


                        13.3.1            £1075.01            Zurich Insurance Premium

                        13.3.2            £    55.20            BDC – Election Returning Officer Fee

                        13.3.3            £    40.00            RCCE Membership Annual Subscription

                        13.3.4            £    10.00            BALC Annual Subscription

                        13.3.5            £    23.22            A&J Lighting Monthly Fee

14.       Village Sign Repairs

            To confirm the agreement to undertake repairs to the village sign made under the Clerk’s emergency financial powers and to receive any update.

 15.       Quality Parish Council Status
            To receive details of the requirements to apply to be a Quality Parish Council.

 16.       2013 Review of Parliamentary Constituencies

            To note the proposed changes under this review and decide whether a response is  required from the Parish Council.

17.       Clerk’s Report
The Clerk to go through any correspondence received.

 18.       Date of Next Meeting

            To set the date of the next meeting.


19.       Closure




Philippa Potter

Clerk to the Council

13 September 2011

Message from Essex Police To Parish Council –

The Parish Council have received the following message from Essex Police regarding the recent riots and looting.  Please see below.    Joe Burlo l Chariman l Pebmarsh Parish Council l 01787 269999

Dear Councillor

Following on from the violent disorder seen across London and in cities across the UK, I wanted to write to you with some reassurance on the situation in Essex. We have sought to keep our communities informed and yesterday put out a strong message to the public via our website and twitter, as well as through the media.

We have seen no violent disorder in Essex akin to what has been happening in larger cities across the country. Where there has been minor disorder, Essex Police has acted quickly to make arrests. On Monday following a burglary in Buckhurst Hill, 13 men were arrested, and following minor damage to a police vehicle in Loughton, two male youths were arrested. In Harlow, four people were arrested for minor damage in the town centre.  We have seen a number of young people gathering in large groups in various places across the county, but Essex Police has taken immediate action by deploying public order officers to disperse such groups. This early intervention has meant we have not seen any large scale disorder.

Last night (Tuesday) Police officers arrested a 17-year-old man from Clacton for incitement to commit violent disorder after comments were published on facebook encouraging people to gather at a location in Essex and cause disorder.  The man remains in police custody. We also arrested two teenagers from Grays and South Ockendon, for using social networking websites for incitement to commit violent disorder.  Essex Police is monitoring social media and will not tolerate anyone who uses the internet or any electronic communication device to send inaccurate and false messages intending to incite disorder, or cause alarm.

Essex Police has a robust plan in place and is utilising additional resources by calling officers and staff in to work on their rest days. We have been providing support to colleagues in the Metropolitan Police Service. We currently have between 50 – 100 officers in London at any one time from within our establishment of over 3000 police officers, over 400 PCSOs and several hundred Special Constables.

Your support is important to us. When you are speaking to the public please help us by reassuring them that Neighbourhood Policing teams remain in place across Essex and Police Officers, PCSOs and Special Constables are working in communities to ensure a high visibility policing presence. Essex Police is doing all it can to ensure Essex remains a safe place to live and work and will continue to work with partners across the criminal justice system to ensure that any criminality is dealt with swiftly and robustly.

You can also assist the police by encouraging the public to call 999 if they witness any incidents taking place or to call our non emergency number 101 or 0300 333 4444 to pass on information or intelligence. 

We are updating our website with the latest information in Essex throughout the day and night, so this is the best place to look for updates should the situation change.

Thank you for your continued support and please get in touch if you have any further questions or comments.

Yours faithfully

Derek Benson

Deputy Chief Constable

Claire Ziwa
Head of Media and Public Relations
Essex Police Headquarters
PO Box 2
Springfield, Chelmsford
Direct Line: 01245 452121
Mobile:07837 085367

Septic Tanks now have to be registered with the Environment Agency before 1 Jan 2012

Many Thanks to David Holland from Twinstead for the following e mail:
Hello All,
Septic tanks now have to be registered!

I thought you should all know about this.

If your home has a septic tank or a package sewage treatment plant, then you need to register the system with the Environment Agency or have an environmental permit..
Ø      Registration is now required [Environmental Permitting Regulations].
Ø      Should be done this year: [before 1st  January 2012]
Ø       Failure to do so could result in prosecution

There will be many people who are not aware; or will need help complying with this.

If you have fiends or neighbours who do not “do the internet” perhaps you could bring this to their attention.

When a Middleton parishioner challenged the Environment Agency (EA) about “how should I have come to know about this?”: Their response was it has been in all local papers!!! Really??

The EA website (link above) says:-

  • Registration is free
  • You only need to register once
  • Discharges to surface waters must be registered immediately
  • Discharges to ground should be registered any time before 1 January 2012

You can register online which is simplest and there are help guides on the website.

It would be great if the internet users of our community could help the non web savvy members register and if anyone wants my help, you know where to find me.

I have registered my septic tank and found the on-line process acceptably straight forward though I found some terminology  confusing. Still its easier than other web based offerings form the powers at be such as Revenue and Customs which I always find challenging.

I did struggle to find my National Grid Number (No, not that National Grid!) using the arial photograph based grid number finder until I realised that the number in question appears bottom left of screen if you scroll down to find it.
I hope you find this useful.

With best wishes,

David Holland (Cllr)
Court House

PS -At least this makes a change from me going on about pylons!

PPS – We have Cllr Keith Hughes of Middleton to thank for bringing this to our attention. 

How to stop unwanted Phone Calls, Junk Mail etc….

How to stop junk calls

Stop Junk MailUnder government regulation it is illegal for UK companies to call any individual who has indicated they don’t want the calls. To do this you simply join the telephone preference service register, it takes about 28 days after registering for all to be stopped.

  • Web: TPSOnline
    (you can also do the Mail Preference Service (see below) at the same time on the StayPrivate website).
  • Phone: 0800 398 893

The calls it won’t stop

Sadly this won’t stop all calls. If you’re being plagued by competition calls sometimes these are just the result of random number generators, they call lots of numbers in the hope that some get through. The best thing to do is write the number down and then submit a complaint to the regulator PhonePayPlus (it used to be called Icstis) to get it blocked.

Stopping silent calls

As of Feb 2011, new rules introduced by Ofcom mean companies using automatic diallers can only call once a day if there’s no agent to complete the call. This includes all call centres, not just sales teams.

If you’re getting silent calls, which can be generated by automatic dialling equipment in call centres, you can register with the Silent Call-gard service, but you need to renew it every 12 months.

This adds you to a database used by the major telemarketing companies that use predictive diallers therefore reducing the number of silent calls.

If the calls continue, you can complain to Ofcom, here’s what to do:

Step 1: After the call dial 1471 and see if you can get the number.
Step 2: If the number is withheld, note the time & date of the call and contact your provider’s nuisance call department, eg, BT’s Nuisance Call Advice Line, Sky Nuisance Calls Advice
Step 3: Complain to Ofcom online.

Ofcom can fine the company up to £2m (was previously £50K) if it sees fit – the money goes to the Treasury, Ofcom doesn’t give compensation.

What about overseas calls?

It’s also possible you’ll receive commercial calls from companies based outside the UK. Little can be done to stop these and they can be annoying and frustrating. The best thing to do is not engage in a discussion, or some MoneySavers suggest pretending you don’t speak English. See ideas and discuss Ways to stop overseas sales calls.

Another way to avoid receiving sales calls at home is to set up a free VOIP telephone number. Read MoneySaver Thenotsowyzewun’s short guide on How to avoid nuisance calls.

Never pay to block these calls

There are reports of companies setting themselves up with names similar to the Telephone Preference Service and offering to block marketing calls. This, however, entails a fee.

There is no need to pay, do it right and it is ALWAYS free. If you get a call from someone asking for personal details or payment to complete a registration, hang up and inform the official TPS (read more on the TPS website).


How to stop unwanted mail

Stop Junk MailThere are two different types of junk mail we tend to receive, and both can be stopped, although this is not a legal right. It depends on whether the letters have your name and address on or they’re just distributed by the Post Office.

Addressed mail through the post

All members of the Direct Marketing Association agree to a Code of Practice not to send junk mail to any individual who has indicated they don’t want it. To stop the junk you simply join the mail preference service register, it takes up to 4 months for the service to have full effect although you should notice a reduction of the mail before that period.

  • Web: The easiest (and cheapest way) is MPSOnline
  • Phone: 0845 703 4599

Unaddressed leaflets and mail

Other common types of junk are leaflets, flyers and other unaddressed post which is delivered by the Royal Mail. It’s possible to opt out of this too, although it does affect all unaddressed items as Royal Mail is not able to know which items are wanted and which are not. It takes about 6 weeks for the items to stop being delivered and may only last for six months.

  • Post: Freepost RRBT-ZBXB-TTTS, Royal Mail Door to Door Opt Out, Kingsmead House, Oxpens Road, Oxford, OX1 1RX
  • Email: and you’ll then be sent a form
  • Web Details: Door to Door opt out

For door to door leaflet drops some MoneySavers have suggested creating your own sign with nifty website Online-Sign.

How to stop cold callers

Stop Cold CallersThere’s nothing more frustrating than people knocking on your door when you don’t want to be sold things. First remember you don’t have to let them in, but there are more protections too.  

  • Energy salesmen must obey ‘no cold caller signs’

    Energy sales people are rife, promising to save you money (some even outrageously say they’re backed by ‘Martin Lewis’ or this site), yet it’s the worst way to switch energy (do it right via the Cheap Gas & Elec guide).

    However in May 2010, after pressure from Consumer Focus & Trading Standards, the big six energy companies agreed that their sales people would not knock on doors with ‘no cold caller’ signs (get a free one below).

    On 1 Oct this officially became part of the EnergySure Code of Practice, though the policy was already active, with this new term:

    7.4.3 (b) not call on any premises where there is a message prominently displayed in the form of a visible, clearly worded and unambiguous notice indicating that a consumer does not wish to receive uninvited doorstep sales callers.

    Therefore if the cold caller persists, note down their name & employee number and report them to the company and Consumer Direct.

Free Printable MSE ‘No Cold Callers’ Sign


Use whichever you prefer

While the print-out is colour, it’s specifically designed for easy printing in black & white too.

Where to stick it?

The best place is on your front door, but as it’s a print out the colour may run. One option for the small one is sellotape over it, or put it in a clear plastic folder and stick that.

Alternatively if you’ve glass doors, or windows near enough to your front door, stick it on the inside to protect from bad weather.

No cold caller signs are a good way to say no

If you have a no cold caller sign, and someone knocks, you can simply point at it and say, “hmm, please read the sign and go away”.

Tips to protect against any door to door seller

  • You have a 7 day cooling off period.

    Buy something when a salesperson calls at your home and the ‘doorstep selling regulations’ mean you have a 7 day cooling off period on all goods you buy over £35.

    If you want to cancel you’re entitled to get any money back, including a deposit, after which you need to return any goods in reasonable condition (although you may need to pay for the return delivery).

    Similar rights are available for buying online or by phone. See the Consumer Rights guide for info.

  • Remember you don’t have to let them in.
  • Ask to see the salesperson’s official ID and find out exactly where they’re from.
  • Don’t sign anything even if they’re only offering a quote.
  • A trader must advise you in writing that you can cancel any contract, if they don’t they can’t hold you to anything in the contract.

More info at Consumer Direct.

How to stop unwanted faxes

Stop Junk FaxesThese are less of a plague than they used to be as faxes aren’t as common as they once were. However, you can opt out of junk here yet again, with (you’ve probably guessed the name now) the Fax Preference Service register. It takes about 28 days after registering for all to be stopped.

  • Web: The easiest (and cheapest way) is FPSOnline
  • Phone: 0845 070 0702

Try using a PC-based fax machine instead

As an alternative, programs such as eFax free and Faxtastic allow you to receive faxes via your PC. Both give your own special number and faxes are then converted into email format, so even if it is junk there’s no need to print it out. The company’s aim is to tempt you to upgrade to its paid fax software which allows you to fax out.

The number people have to fax you on is an 0870/1 number costing up to 8-10p/minute during the day. Normally I rail against these (see the Say No To 0870 guide) yet as this provides a service, it works well. However, do let non-junk sending people know the cost, as effectively they’re subsidising your free fax machine (for similar tools read the Free Office Software guide).

Also, to keep Faxtastic active you must receive at least one fax in the first seven days of opening an account, and at least one every 90 days thereafter, else you’ll lose the allocated fax number and will have to re-register.


How to stop unwanted texts

top Junk TextsSpam texts are a modern scourge, plaguing our mobile phones with unwanted adverts often from dodgy companies. Yet it is possible to fight back, report them, and minimise the number you get.

There are three main types, and the way you deal with each is different. We’ve done some hardcore research into it, and have a full separate guide to Stop Spam Texts.

Stopping spam e-mails

Stop Spam Emails‘How can I stop spam?’ is sadly the million dollar question which has no million dollar answer. There isn’t really a solution that works perfectly.

Think carefully about how much you block

Blocking spam is a balance, there are many software packages that help to do it, but ultimately it’s a trade off between losing legitimate e-mails (such as Martin’s Money Tips weekly email!) if they’re incorrectly filtered, or keeping more email and having to manually delete spam.

Technology is a quickly evolving entity and as such new ways to generate spam are always being developed, making it difficult to keep on top of. Remember, spam works, someone somewhere is clicking on it – and even if it’s just one in a million people it may mean they earn money.

The best place to start deleting spam is by using the tools available from your own e-mail provider; spam filters and rules are reasonably effective at blocking spam. There are also free ‘mail washing’ programmes that you can use, as explained in detail in the Free Anti-virus Software guide. You can also discuss tips and impacts with other MoneySavers in the Techie Stuff Forum Board.

Stop Sign ManIs it worth junking it?

Even if you do everything listed above, this isn’t a foolproof way of stopping junk, yet that isn’t a reason not to try. Registering for these services should still reduce the number of calls and junk mail you receive and it definitely won’t increase it. One good thing, if you’re still receiving junk after registering, you know these companies are breaking the law, so probably not worth dealing with anyway.

Do remember though if you’ve personally signed up to receive mailings via email or when buying something, you’ll have to block these individually.

Stopping junk mail isn’t necessarily MoneySaving

You may be surprised to read this but it’s important to say, unlike phone messages where it’s all a load of ridiculous nonsense, junk mail can sometimes work in your favour.

A lot of best buy financial products, such as credit cards, are often only available if you receive them as targeted Direct Mailings. For example, the longest ever 0% balance transfer card lasting 18 months was a direct mail offer. Yet it’s only worth keeping this channel open if you’re money savvy and can sort out the wheat from the chaff.

One final way to get your revenge on the junk mail is to rip up the letter, stuff it in the ‘pre-paid’ reply envelope and send it back. That way, it’ll have to pay to receive its junk back.