Lack of Mobile Phone coverage – Please e mail us your thoughts!!!!

The Commission for Rural Communities (CRC) in conducting research into the issues raised by lack of mobile phone coverage in rural areas. Your Parish Council will respond to the queries below and is asking for your comments to help us formulate a response that takes into account all your comments.

Please help us by e mailing  your response to your Parish Council Chairman, Joe Burlo on by Monday 24 May.

Please look at the e mail below from the CRC.  The more replies we get will strengthen our case and response to the CRC.

Joe Burlo

Chairman – 01787 269999


CRC look into mobile phone coverage
Are you or your community affected by a lack of mobile coverage? The Commission for Rural Communities (CRC) is investigating how mobile coverage is affecting the rural economy, service provision and community life. If mobile coverage is an issue in your area, the CRC would be grateful if you could respond to the following questions:

  • Is lack of mobile phone coverage an issue for your area?
  • In what ways is the lack of mobile coverage an issue? Who or what does this affect and how?
  • What is the impact of lack of coverage on the local/regional economy? Have you or your organisation been able to quantify the impacts?
  • What are the impacts on community life? Does lack of mobile coverage increase or worsen social or financial exclusion? Have you been able to quantify the impacts?
  • Do you know of any obstacles to improving coverage in your area? What are they? Is action being taken to overcome them?
  • Do you have any other comments?

 Mags Lambert

Secretariat for East of England Rural Forum

01473 345346

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 29th March 2010




Cllr J Burlo (Chairman)                                                        Visitors:              3 members of the public  

Cllr J Fenner                                                                                        

Cllr H Anderson

Cllr  J Holder                                                                

Mrs P Potter (Clerk)


  1. Apologies for Absence
    Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Rawlinson.
  2. Consideration of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 8 February 2010

The minutes were agreed as a true record and signed accordingly.


  1. Declaration of Interests


  1. Public Forum
    Concerns were raised by members of the public regarding the need for traffic calming in the village.  The Parish Council assured them that they will be re-raising this issue with Essex County Council.  There was further discussion regarding the need for more pavements in the village, which will also be raised with ECC Highways.


  1. District and County Items
    There were no reports at this meeting.


  2. BDC Planning Issues

6.1            Planning Applications – The following Planning Committee Decision were noted:

  • 10/00164/FUL: Stone Cottage, Clay Hills – Replacement of flat roof with pitched.

The Committee agreed to support this application.

  • 10/00146/FUL: Land South West of Scotts Farm – Retrospective application for store shed. 
    The Committee agree to support this application.
  • 10/00156/FUL: Vine Cottage, Twinstead Road, Pebmarsh – Erection of metal outbuilding. 
    The Committee agreed to object to this application on the grounds of its size, height and bulk.


6.2      Planning Results  – The following applications were granted:

  • 09/01676/FUL: Rafe Hall – Change of use from storage/distribution centre and office to residential use.
  • 10/00003/FUL: Toms Cottage, Cross End – Erection of single storey side extension
  • 10/00019/FUL: The Wildings, The Street – Erection of timber outbuilding to be used as general storage and home office.
  • 10/00164/FUL: Stone Cottage, Clay Hills – Replacement of flat garage roof with pitched.
  • 10/00146/FUL: Land South West of Scotts Farm – Retrospective for store shed.
  • 10/00031/NMA: Spoons Hall – Non Material Amendment.
  • 10/00018/NMA: 1 Cross End, Pebmarsh – Non Material Amendment.

These results were noted by the Council.

  1. Reports from Representatives
    7.1            Playing Fields/Bus Shelters

Cllr Rawlinson was not present at this meeting, therefore the following two items were postponed until the next meeting:

  • New climbing frame rope
  • RoSPA recommendations
  • New noticeboards  – the Council are still obtaining quotes for this project.
  • Vehicles driving on the playing field – Cllr Fenner  reported that after looking at solutions for this problem, installing short wooden posts to prevent vehicles entering the field would be the best option. It was also agreed that reflective markers are installed to ensure maximum visibility.  Cllr Fenner will arrange for quotes for this work and report back to the Council.

7.2            Village Hall

  • Cllr Holder will discuss any potential projects for the Community Payback Team at the next Village Hall meeting.
  • Cleanliness of the Village Hall:  It was agreed to draw up a work specification for the cleaning of the hall, which can then be taken to the Village Hall Committee to take the issue forward.


7.3       Street Lighting

  • The Clerk reported that the Council only owes A&J Lighting £11.60 to cover a shortfall in VAT payments for three months in 2009, which was due to an administration error when the VAT rates changed.  The Clerk will however, contact the company to query a payment made in 2009 covering an annual maintenance visit.
  • An increase to material costs for some light parts was reported to the Council.

7.4       Legal
Cllr Anderson reported that he has started looking into the issues with ECC, surrounding the Parish Council taking up gritting of the highways around the village during icy weather.  This will be reported back as soon as a comprehensive answer has been received.

7.5            Passenger Transport

  • The Stour Valley Community bus will be launched on 21 April and will run on a Wednesday between Pebmarsh and Sudbury, leaving at 9.30am and returning at 1pm.


8.  Traffic Calming

Although this has been examined in the past, the Parish Council have decided to contact Essex County Council to discuss the installation of traffic calming measures in the village.  It was agreed to consult residents as to their views on the issue and it was decided to invite them to discuss this at the Annual Parish Assembly.  The Clerk will contact ECC Highways to invite a representative to the Annual Assembly to answer questions and put forward the position of ECC with regard to any possible solutions. 

The Clerk will also ascertain any criteria involved in assessing whether traffic calming can be installed so that the Parish Council has this information before the meeting.  The issue of extending 30mph limits to other parts of the village will also be looked into. During this item, it was Proposed Cllr Burlo, Seconded Cllr Fenner and unanimously agreed to adjourn the meeting to receive information from member of the public.  The meeting was closed to the public again following this adjournment.

9.  Parish Council Website and Village Email Service

Cllr Burlo reported that he has looked into creating a new stand alone website for the Parish Coucnil which will have the ability for more pages and a better layout.  Cllr Burlo is continuing to investigate this possibility and will report back to the next meeting.

10.            Litter Picking

Following the recent successful community litter pick, the Clerk contacted BDC to ascertain whether any litter picking equipment could be provided to the Parish Council, which they have agreed to.  For future litter picks, BDC can pick up the bags of rubbish on the day if arranged beforehand.

11.            Parish Emergency Plan

A discussion took place with regard to responding to events such as the loss of power to the village for a long period of time.  Councillors are in contact with residents who are able to provide generators which could be used at the Village Hall.  It was also agreed to contact the Village Agent to find out if they have a list of vulnerable persons that could be used to assist in times of emergency or adverse conditions.  The Clerk will also look at the EALC disaster recovery plan to tailor the plan to the Parish Council. 

12.            Road Safety – Winter Weather
This was discussed at item 7.4 above.  Cllr Anderson will report once he has received the necessary information. 


13.            Finance

13.1            Finance Report
                        The latest finance report was received.

13.2            The following cheques were approved for payment:
            13.2.1            £200.42                        Clerk Salary for March 2010

            13.2.1  £   49.05                Clerk Expenses Feb-March 2010

            13.3     The following cheques paid between meetings due to time constraints were noted and                  approved:

                        13.3.1            £585.00                        Grass Cutting Contractor – Village Green cuts

                        13.3.2            £625.00                        Grass Cutting Contractor – P3Footpath cutting

                        Both cheques signed and dated 9 March 2010


13.4            Grass Cutting Quote

The quote received for grass cutting for 2010/11 was approved, along with extra areas that need to be cut, bringing the total quote to £850.


14. BDC Street Scene Agreement

      The agreement for 2010/11 was agreed and signed and will be returned to BDC by the Clerk.


15. Annual Parish Assembly

  • Councillor Reports: Councillors were asked for their yearly report as soon as possible to                                 enable the Clerk to put together an Annual Report.  This needs to be completed and printed             before the end of April to enable it to be distributed with the Parish Magazine.  The Clerk                will request a report from the John Nott Charity and Cllr Fenner will contact the Footpath                      representative for a report as in previous years.
  • Traffic calming: It was agreed to use the Parish Assembly to consult with the public                            regarding this issue.  The Clerk will contact ECC to see if an Officer from Highways can                           attend and to also request information on the criteria that needs to be met before ECC will                   look at any new schemes.  The Clerk will also enquire about criteria for 30/40mph speed                            limits.


16. Clerk Administration
The Clerk went through general/routine correspondence received.

17. Date of Next Meeting
            The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 11 May 2010 .  This will be both the Annual Parish Council meeting and the Annual Parish Assembly.

18. Closure

      The meeting closed at 9.40pm.

Next Parish Council meeting on Monday 29th March 2010

The next meeting of Pebmarsh Parish Council, will be held on

Monday 29 March 2010, in the Village Hall Committee Room, commencing at 7:30pm

for the purpose of transacting the following business:



  1. Apologies for Absence
    Members are reminded that the LGA1972, s85 states that apologies for absence must be received prior to a meeting.
  2. Consideration of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 8 February 2010

To agree and sign the Minutes.


  1. Declaration of Interests
    To declare any ‘personal’ or ‘personal and prejudicial’ interests relating to items on the agenda having regard to paragraphs 8 to 12 (inclusive) of the Code of Conduct for Members part 5/1 of the Constitution and having taken appropriate advice (where necessary) before the meeting.
  2. Public Forum
    Opportunity for parishioners to raise issues of mutual interest, or to question Councillors.
  3. District and County Items
    Any BDC or ECC issues.

  4. BDC Planning Issues

6.1            Planning Applications – Planning Committee Decision to be Noted

  • 10/00164/FUL: Stone Cottage, Clay Hills – Replacement of flat roof with pitched.

The Committee agreed to support this application.

  • 10/00146/FUL: Land South West of Scotts Farm – Retrospective application for store shed. 
    The Committee agree to support this application.
  • 10/00156/FUL: Vine Cottage, Twinstead Road, Pebmarsh – Erection of metal outbuilding. 
    The Committee agreed to object to this application on the grounds of its size, height and bulk.


6.2      Planning Results  – The following applications were granted:

  • 09/01676/FUL: Rafe Hall – Change of use from storage/distribution centre and office to residential use.
  • 10/00003/FUL: Toms Cottage, Cross End – Erection of single storey side extension
  • 10/00019/FUL: The Wildings, The Street – Erection of timber outbuilding to be used as general storage and home office.
  • 10/00164/FUL: Stone Cottage, Clay Hills – Replacement of flat garage roof with pitched.
  • 10/00146/FUL: Land South West of Scotts Farm – Retrospective for store shed.
  • 10/00031/NMA: Spoons Hall – Non Material Amendment.
  • 10/00018/NMA: 1 Cross End, Pebmarsh – Non Material Amendment.


  1. Reports from Representatives
    7.1            Playing Fields/Bus Shelters

Updates to be received on the following issues:

  • New climbing frame rope
  • RoSPA recommendations
  • New noticeboards
  • Vehicles driving on the playing field – Cllr Fenner to report

7.2            Village Hall

  • Update regarding whether the Village Hall can offer the Community Payback Team any projects.
  • Discuss issues relating to the cleanliness of the Hall.

7.3       Street Lighting

  • Update on account payments.
  • Increase to material costs.

7.4            Legal
                        To receive any current issues from Cllr Anderson.


7.5            Passenger Transport

  • Update on launch of Stour Valley Community Bus.


8.  Traffic Calming

     To discuss how to approach looking for a solution to speeding in the village.

9.  Parish Council Website and Village Email Service

To discuss plans for a new website and an Email service for parishioners to sign up to for news and events.


10.            Litter Picking

To discuss litter picking equipment and support that can be received from BDC on litter picking days.


11.            Parish Emergency Plan

     To discuss some arrangements for an emergency plan.


12.     Road Safety – Winter Weather
     To receive an update on ways of alleviating icy conditions on the village roads.

13.            Finance

13.1            Finance Report
                         To receive the latest finance report.

13.2            Cheques to be approved for payment:
            13.2.1            £200.42                        Clerk Salary for March 2010

            13.2.1  £   49.05                Clerk Expenses Feb-March 2010


            13.3            To note – cheques paid between meetings due to time constraints:

                        13.3.1            £585.00                        Grass Cutting Contractor – Village Green cuts

                        13.3.2            £625.00                        Grass Cutting Contractor – P3Footpath cutting

                        Both cheques signed and dated 9 March 2010


13.4            Grass Cutting Quote

                  To agree the quote received for grass cutting for 2010/11.



14. BDC Street Scene Agreement

      The agreement for 2010/11 to be agreed and signed.


15. Annual Parish Assembly

  • Councillor Reports
  • Traffic calming


16. Clerk Administration
Clerk to go through any correspondence received and any further progress checks required.

17. Date of Next Meeting
      Tuesday 18 May 2010 – Annual Parish Assembly


18. Closure


New bus service for Pebmarsh every Wednesday.

The new ‘Stour Valley Community Bus’ will include Pebmarsh on it’s route thanks to Pebmarsh Parish Councillor Julian Fenner ensuring that Pebmarsh was included on the new Bus route.

The following is an information announcement for the new ‘Stour Valley Community Bus’:


Essex County Council working in partnership with Braintree Community Transport and Pebmarsh Cross End, Alphamstone, Lamarsh, Great Henny, Little Henny, and Middleton parishes are pleased to announce The Stour Valley Community Bus, commencing on Wednesday April 21st 2010.  The service will operate every Wednesday to Sudbury. 

This service has timed stops in the villages and in Braintree but can be adapted to meet the needs of the passenger.  As long as it is safe to do so, the bus will stop along the route within the village when hailed.  If passengers would like help boarding or leaving the vehicle, or with shopping bags, they just need speak to the driver.

The service is fully accessible, but if a passenger is in a wheel chair we ask they phone 01376 557896 in advance.

This service will not operate on a bank holiday.


  • Any person wishing to travel on The Stour Valley Community Bus will be able to pay for their fare on the bus. 
  • The cost of the journey will be £2:00 flat fare (single or return). 
  • Children aged 5 to 16 travel half price.
  • Children under 5 travel for free
  • If you hold a concessionary bus pass you will need to show your pass to receive free transport. 

Concessionary passes

  • If passengers need to apply for a concessionary bus pass please contact Braintree District Council 01376 551414


Braintree Community Transport

The Stour Valley Shopper Bus – Wednesday only (not Bank Holidays)



Pebmarsh, Cross End Post Box                                                     9.30

Alphamstone, Church                                                                       9.35                           

Lamarsh Telephone Box                                                                  9.38

Great Henny, Parish Rooms                                                            9.48

Little Henny, Main Road                                                                   9.53                           

Middleton                                                                                           10.01

Sudbury, Bus Station                                                                        10.10 

Sudbury, Tesco Car Park                                                                10.15 


Sudbury, Tesco Car Park                                                                12.15

Sudbury, Bus Station                                                                        12.20

Middleton                                                                                           12.29

Little Henny, Main Road                                                                   12.37

Great Henny, Parish Rooms                                                            12.42                         

Lamarsh Telephone Box                                                                  12.52

Alphamstone, Church                                                                       12.55

Pebmarsh, Cross End Post Box                                              13.00                         






Cllr J Burlo (Chairman)                          Visitors:  5 members of the public          

Cllr J Fenner                                                       District Cllr A Shelton

Cllr S Rawlinson    

Cllr H Anderson                                                                   

Mrs P Potter (Clerk)


  1. Apologies for Absence
    Apologies were received from Cllr Jim Holder and County Councillor David Finch.


  1. Consideration of the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 14 December 2009 and Matters Arising
    The minutes were agreed as a true record and signed accordingly.  Cllr Burlo raised an issue from the last minutes with regard to the Overhead Power Line proposals.  The Parish Council agreed to send a letter of objection to the outlined proposals and state that the pylons should be routed underground.  A copy of this letter will be sent to neighbouring Parish Councils.   

3.     Declaration of Interests



4.   Public Forum

  • A member of the public queried progress regarding the broadband initiative.  The Chairman advised that the company involved were in discussion regarding sources of funding and grants.
  • A discussion took place regarding vehicles driving on the playing field, possibly to gain access to the churchyard, which is causing the ground to be cut up and rutted.  Cllr Fenner will look at the area and come up with some possible solutions to ease the problem.

5.   Village Agents
One of Pebmarsh’s local Village Agents, Jayne Larken, attended the meeting to introduce herself and the service to the Parish Council.  Jayne explained that the service is a link between residents of rural and/or remoter areas with services.  This includes making connections with the elderly and vulnerable families.  Jayne gave an overview of how the service was set up and how it is now expanding to include other rural villages, including Pebmarsh.  Details will be posted on the Parish Council website and residents are asked to get in touch with the agents if they know of anyone who could benefit from the service.


6.   District and County Items

District Councillor Report

Cllr Shelton attended the meeting and gave his update from BDC, highlighted as follows:

  • Update on BDC budget proposals regarding cutting services.   It was confirmed that the Parish Support Grant has been retained for the next three years at its current level but there will be some redundancies.
  • It is likely that the Council Tax will be increased at approximately 2.5%, against a background of budget and grant cuts from ECC and central government.
  • Recycling has increased and exceeded targets since the roll out of wheelie bins last Autumn.
  • A Task and Finish Group will be looking at local transport, especially shopper services to take residents from more remote areas into towns, which would not be possible otherwise. 

The Parish Council thanked Cllr Shelton for attending.

County Councillor Report

Cllr Finch was unable to attend the meeting, however, he had circulated a report, highlighted as follows:

  • Potholes: details given of recent repairs undertaken locally.
  • Details of Winter Fuel Payments that can be claimed.
  • A report of the Fabulous at 50 exhibition that took place in January.
  • Details of the boiler scrappage scheme.
  • Information of the upcoming ECC Book Festival
  • Information on saving with Credit Unions.

7.  BDC Planning Issues


7.1       Planning Application
10/00019/FUL: The Wildings, The Street – Erection of timber outbuilding to be used as general storage and home office.  Following discussion, it was Proposed Cllr Rawlinson, Seconded Cllr Anderson and agreed three votes for to one against, to support the application.

7.2       Planning Committee

Representations for the following applications were determined by consensus of the planning committee:

            7.2.1     09/01676/FUL: Rafe Hall, The Street – Change of use from storage/distribution

                        centre and office to residential use.  It had been agreed to support this application.

            7.2.2     10/00003/FUL: Toms Cottage, Cross End – Erection of single storey rear/side

                        extension. It had been agreed to support this application.

7.3       Planning Result
The following appeal was dismissed by the Planning Inspector:

            Appeal number: APP/Z1510/A/09/2108253 – Scotts Farm, Pebmarsh.  Two storey replacement 4 bedroom detached house, garage and outbuildings. 


8.    Reports from Representatives
       8.1       Playing Fields/Bus Shelters

  • Cllr Rawlinson reported that Ian Rawlinson has started repairs to the roof of the bus shelter at Water Lane and has donated his time and materials to the Parish Council. 
  • There were some items highlighted in the ROSPA inspection report which need to be attended to.  The weeds and fencing need looking at, which Cllr Rawlinson will pursue.  The climbing frame rope needs replacing and this is also being looked into.  There also needs to be a playground sign added to the school sign along the road outside the village hall.

8.2       Village Hall

            Cllr Holder was not in attendance at this meeting.

8.3       Street Lighting
All street lights are working.  Details of payments made to A&J Lighting were discussed and it was agreed that the Clerk write to the company outlining the outstanding amount due.

8.4       Legal

            Cllr Anderson reported that the Glebe land has been registered.


9.    Kings Head Pub
            The possible future of the pub once sold was discussed.  The Parish Council agreed to support any scheme that retains the amenity for the village.

10.   Damage to Fence – Stone Cottage
It was reported that following a recent meeting, the Parish Council have agreed to replace four sections of the fence at Stone Cottage


11.   P3 – Footpath Maintenance Update

Following recent correspondence from ECC, it has been advised that each Parish Council’s claim for footpath maintenance will be assessed individually following a meeting with officers.

12.  Road Safety – Winter Weather
The Council discussed the possibilities of gritting the roads in the village during icy and snowy weather.  There are, however, issues regarding liability and insurance which the Clerk will look into and report back to the Council. 


13.  Financial Regulations
The Clerk is awaiting clarification regarding some of the clauses in the Regulations and will report back to the Council. 


14.  Finance
14.1      Finance Report
                        The finance reports for December 2009 and January 2010 were received by Councillors.

                        The following cheques were approved for payment:
14.2      £400.84            Clerk’s Salary (Jan 10 to Feb 10) 

                        14.3      £  51.59                        Clerk Expenses (Dec 09 to Jan 10)
14.4      £250.00                        Glebeland Rent – Strutt and Parker

To note payment made between meetings due to time constraints – agreed with Councillors prior to payment:

14.5      £178.25                        Audit Commission – External Audit Fee.


15.  Budget and Precept Consideration 2010/11
The budget and precept demand were unanimously agreed.


16.  Noticeboards
Cllrs Burlo and Fenner will up suitable areas for noticeboards and report back to the next meeting.


17.  Correspondence

       The Clerk went through items received since the last meeting.

18.   Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting was agreed to be scheduled for Monday 29 March.  The Annual Parish Assembly and Annual Parish Council Meeting are scheduled for Tuesday 18 May.  All meetings are subject to confirmation and will be held at 7.30pm.


19.   Closure

  The meeting closed at 10.25pm.

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 14th December 2009.





Cllr J Burlo (Chairman)                                                  Visitors:  5 members of the public          

Cllr J Fenner                                                                                        

Cllr J Holder                                                                 

Mrs P Potter (Clerk)


  1. Apologies for Absence
    Apologies were received from Cllr Sue Rawlinson.


  1. Consideration of the Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 12 October 2009 and Matters Arising
    The minutes were agreed as a true record and signed accordingly.

3.     Declaration of Interests

-        Cllr Joe Burlo declared a personal and prejudicial interest in an item to be discussed in the public forum regarding revised plans for Tom’s Cottage before being submitted to BDC as a planning application, as the neighbour of the property under discussion.

-        Cllr Julian Fenner declared a personal and prejudicial interest in an item to be discussed in the public forum regarding revised plans for Tom’s Cottage before being submitted to BDC as a planning application, as the neighbour of the property under discussion.


4.   Public Forum

The Parish Council were shown the revised plans for a proposed extension to Tom’s Cottage, prior to a planning application being submitted to BDC.   The owners of one of the neighbouring houses also commented on the plans.  The Parish Council found the revised plans acceptable.  The applicant will submit the plans to BDC with a formal planning application.  Cllrs Burlo and Fenner had left the meeting during this discussion. 


5.   District and County Items

There were no District or County representatives present at the meeting.  The Clerk reported that a letter had been sent to Cllr Shelton to ask for his assistance regarding the fact that the monies due from BDC from the Street Scene Agreement for 2008/9 had not been paid.  The Clerk will report on progress.


6.   BDC Planning Issues
Planning Results

            The following result was noted by the Council:

            6.1       09/01104/FUL: 4 Street Farm Cottages, The Street – Erection of rear extension.  This application was granted.


7.    Reports from Representatives
       7.1       Playing Fields/Bus Shelters

Cllr Rawlinson was absent from this meeting, however,  the Clerk briefly went through the RoSPA safety inspection report that has been received for the playground.  Items picked up were either medium or low risk and the Clerk will pass this to Cllr Rawlinson to look through and decide what work needs to be undertaken.


The bus shelter roof has now been fixed.

7.2       Village Hall

            Cllr Holder reported that the finances of the Village Hall were healthy and that the inside of the hall had been recently decorated.


7.3       Street Lighting
All street lights are working.  The details of the contract with A&J Lighting will be reviewed before the renewal date next year to ensure that it still meets the parish’s needs and to ensure that correct payments have been made.  The Clerk will collate the information and pass it to Cllr Anderson to check the details.

7.4       Legal

            Cllr Anderson is dealing with the registering Parish Council land.


8.  Damage to Fence – Stone Cottage

It was agreed to arrange a meeting between the Parish Council, Essex County Council’s Public Rights of Way Officer and the owner of Stone Cottage to look at the issue and agree a way forward.  The Clerk will arrange this.


9.  New Overhead Power Line

It was agreed to offer support to those parishes who are mainly affected by this proposal.  Cllr Burlo has been in contact with the Chair of Twinstead Parish Council and has put all the information on the parish website and noticeboards.


10.   BT Phone Box

It was agreed to look into the details of adopting the village red phone box, once BT remove the telephone.  The Clerk will pass the details on so a decision can be made.         


11.   Financial Regulations

       It was agreed that the following questions be asked of EALC before the regulations are adopted:

  • Clarification of Clerk’s emergency powers, as against clause 3.4.
  • Clarify risk assessment requirements as in 15.1.

12. Finance
12.1      Finance Report
                        The finance reports for October and November 2009 were received by the Councillors.

                        The following cheques were approved for payment:
12.2      £607.38            Clerk’s Salary (Nov-Dec 09, plus owed amount from Jul-Oct 09)

12.3      £  23.21                        Clerk’s backdated pay (Apr 09 – Dec 09)

            12.4      £106.95                        Playsafety Ltd – annual inspection of play equipment

            12.5      £  35.00                        Information Comissioner’s Office – Data Protection Registration

12.6      2008/09 Accounts and Audit Documentation

            The amendments and extra information requested by the Audit Commission were agreed and signed as appropriate.


12.7      A&J Lighting Contract

            The contract and payments will be reviewed as discussed under item 7.3 above.

13.  Budget and Precept Consideration 2010/11
The Council went through the items on the budget and made various adjustments.  It was decided to earmark some funds for a project to provide hard standing at the playground.  The Clerk will adjust the figures accordingly and agree the precept demand with Councillors to be submitted to BDC by 15 January 2010.


14.  Correspondence

       The Clerk went through items received since the last meeting.

15.    Items for the Next Meeting
Items have been marked in discussions above.

16.    Date of Next Meeting
               The next meeting was agreed to be scheduled for Monday 8 February 2010 at 7.30pm.


17.   Closure

  The meeting closed at 10.00pm.




Signed …………………………………………………….



Date …………….

Gritting arrangements for Fri 8 Jan, Sat 9 and Sun 10 Jan 2010

Please see press release below from Essex Highways regarding Gritting for today Fri 8 Jan, tomorrow and Sunday 10th Jan 10.

7 January 2010


Essex County Council is revising its gritting programme this weekend to ensure that the county is kept moving in light of prolonged winter conditions.


In order to ensure that all major routes can be kept clear during the working week, Essex’s fleet of 65 winter gritters will be operating on a reduced precautionary network on Friday (8th) and Saturday (9th) evening.


The reduced network includes all ‘A’ roads, some ‘B’ roads and other additional roads serving larger towns and villages, as well as access roads to major hospitals, fire and ambulance stations.


Gritters will return to treating the full precautionary network on Sunday evening (10th), so that all major routes are cleared in time for the start of a new working week.


The decision has been taken following latest forecasts which predict that the cold weather will continue over the weekend and into next week. The government has announced steps to control the national distribution of salt, so it is imperative that Essex manages remaining supplies carefully.


County Councillor Norman Hume, Cabinet Member for Highways & Transportation said: “Revising our gritting programme is a decision that I have taken extremely seriously. We appreciate that residents still need to get around the county during the weekend, but we must prioritise our service to keep Essex moving while the icy conditions remain.


“We started this winter from our strongest ever position in terms of readiness for these severe conditions with the highest ever levels of winter salt in stock. Our gritters and crews have been out night and day for three weeks treating 1800 miles of Essex’s primary network plus hundreds more miles of high footfall areas.


“We have been receiving fresh supplies of salt and will continue to take operational decisions to maximise the benefits of winter gritting on our roads and footpaths for our residents. I would like to ask the public to take special care on untreated roads, and continue to travel with extreme caution at this time.”


Essex County Council is constantly monitoring weather forecasts and supplies of salt, with further operational decisions being taken as required.




Michael Page 

Press Desk Officer



Essex County Council | telephone: 01245 438418 | extension: 22418 | email:




Mid Area Highways

Environment, Sustainability & HIghways


Essex County Council | telephone: 01245 240068 | extension: 50068 | email:

Please also see additional message below from Cllr David Finch 

Dear Colleague


Below is a link to the ECC website giving the revised list of roads to be gritted.  As you are aware, due to the severity and long duration of the current conditions the Government has announced that steps are being taken to control the national distribution of salt and this will obviously have an effect on salt levels in Essex.


David M Finch

Member for Hedingham


Posted by:

Joe Burlo


01787 269999



Next Parish Council Meeting on Mon 8 Feb 2010 – 7.30pm at the Village Hall

The next Parish Council meeting will be held at the Village Hall in the committe room on Monday 8th Feb 2010 at 7.30pm.

Public sessions are now being held at the beginning of each meeting rather than at the end so if there is anything that you would like to  discuss with your Parish Council you are welcome to attend any meeting and have your say. 

You will be pleased to know that  Braintree District Council has withdrawn it’s threat to abolish the annual Parish Support Grant to all Parish councils and has fixed it for the next 3 years.

Wishing you all a  Merry Christmas.


 shepherd christmas 

 Joe Burlo


Next Parish Council Meeting on Mon 14 Dec 09 – 7.30pm at the Village Hall Committe room

The next Parish Council meeting will be held at the Village hall in the committe room on Monday 14th December at 7.30pm.  We will be discussing, amongst other matters, the serious possibility that Braintree District Council will be withdrawing the annual Parish support grant to all Parish councils which is around £1770 for Pebmarsh.  So far, all Parish councils have objected to this proposal, however it seems that Braintree District Council are determined to do this and they will be discussing it at their meeting on 7th December.

I will put up a new post about other ways BDC are trying to save £1.5M  by reducing more services to us.

Joe Burlo


Meeting on 12 Nov -More Pylons – Please attend at Twinstead Village Hall

twinsted tee pylon.jpeg

The National Grid Event about erecting more Large Pylons AND a new Substation in our area is this Thursday between 12 and 9pm at Twinstead Village Hall. Please attend if you can so you know what is going on and express your opinion before it is all too late for us to do anything. Many in this area think that the National Grid should lay the new 400KV cables underground rather than spoil the countryside with another set of new Pylons from Bramford, near Ipswich all the way down to Twinstead which will also mean another large substation in our area which will be west of Twinstead and about the size of 4 football pitches and the height of a 3 story house.
The local campaign in favour of laying the cables underground is ‘Stour Valley Underground’ ( SVU). Please check their website for all the relavent info before you attend the National Grid Event on Thursday.

Joe Burlo
Chairman  Pebmarsh Parish Council