BDC Garden Waste Collection Service Update

Garden waste collection service update

garden waste

The Garden Waste Collection Service has restarted initially on a four-weekly cycle.

We are encouraging residents to keep their postcard safe if they have received it.

If they have not received their postcard by Royal Mail by Monday 1st June, residents can email our Customer Service Centre their details as listed below, so we can advise them of their start date and Reference Code so they can look up your future four-weekly cycle dates online at under the ‘Service Changes and Updates, Bins and Recycling’ section.

Update to Parish Council Contacts Following Annual Election

Further to the Parish Council Meeting / Annual General Meeting last night and the election of a new Chairman and Vice-Chairman, the contact page of this website has been updated – to confirm the current contact details are as follows:

The first point of contact is the Parish Clerk who will do her very best to help with your enquiry.

If you contact the clerk or a Parish Councillor, please limit this to weekdays before 9pm, unless it is an emergency.

Chairman: Cllr David Ballard
07710 464840
Oak Lodge, Mill Lane, Pebmarsh, CO9 2NW

Cllr David Ballard (Chairman)
Cllr Jackie Tufnell (Vice-Chairman)
Cllr Michael Sharp
Cllr Sharon Smith

Clerk: Mrs Shelley Boydell or 07801 492312

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Bin collection changes coming soon and latest coronavirus service updates

Braintree District Council Local news header

Latest update from Braintree District Council

Hey everyone.

We hope you are keeping safe and well. This newsletter will update you on our latest service updates, some reminders and other important messages about bin collection changes.

Please continue to check our dedicated coronavirus hub at for the latest updates and information.

Heroes campaign – stories so far

Earlier this week we launched our heroes campaign which shines a light, celebrates and says thank you to these heroes who are doing incredible and heartfelt things in the battle against COVID-19.

Here’s just some we have shared this week…


Caroline Rudd, a local Braintree resident and arts and crafts business owner, made 307 scrubs bags so far for NHS nurses using her own fabric stash! She is a true hero!

Read the full story here. 


John and Sophie Kent, owners of Holts of Witham butchers, decided to donate a whole pallet of meat from their shop to feed the animals at Colchester Zoo – what an amazing gesture that is!

Read the full story here. 


Another great example of a community coming together where residents in Silver End have transformed a phone box into a community larder.

Read the full story here. 

We are absolutely loving receiving the stories so please do continue to share yours with us by emailing us at 

Thank you to our key workers from Braintree Town Hall

town hall comp

To celebrate all the incredible work our local key workers are doing to keep the country safe during COVID-19, the team at Braintree Town Hall are asking children (or adults) to draw a picture of a key worker that they know from the District.

Portraits will be displayed in the windows of the Town Hall for all to view. Upon the Town Hall re-opening, two pictures will be chosen and by a way of saying thanks, each chosen key worker will receive a £25 Amazon voucher.

They ask that all entries are A4 in size and portrait, so they can fit in the Town Hall Georgian Windows, any entries not this size might not be displayed.

> Visit their website on how to submit your drawing and terms and conditions

How to help safely

help others safely

Across the district there are many people playing their part and providing essential support to their friends and family who are in isolation.

But it’s still really important to stay safe as a volunteer.

The government has put together lots of useful advice and information on how you can help others safely via their website. 

VE DAY 75 anniversary 8th May Bank Holiday – Collection dates have CHANGED

ve day

Since your collection calendar was delivered in August 2019, there have been changes made to the collection dates that were originally published.

As the usual early May bank holiday Monday has been changed to Friday 8th May and includes the weekend in order to commemorate VE Day 75, (the 75th anniversary of the formal end of World War II,) revisions have been made to the waste and recycling collection dates, to reflect this change.

Please see the table below for your revised collection date:

Usual collection day

Revised VE DAY 75 collection day

Friday 8 May (VE DAY)

Monday 11 May 2020

Monday 11 May 2020

Tuesday 12 May 2020

Tuesday 12 May 2020

Wednesday 13 May 2020

Wednesday 13 May 2020

Thursday 14 May 2020

Thursday 14 May 2020

Friday 15 May 2020

Friday 15 May 2020

Saturday 16 May 2020

Please remember, the Garden Waste collection service remains suspended due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Find out more and download your REVISED collection calendar.

Online education materials for parents

We’re supporting a government campaign to help families access online educational materials. The Department for Education recently announced further support for schools, families and young people during the current school closures.

This includes the launch of the Oak National Academy, a new, government-backed online learning resource. It provides 180 video lessons each week for every year group – from Reception through to Year 10 – across a range of subjects, including maths, art and languages.

The BBC has also launched its own education package, BBC Bitesize Daily. This will deliver a tailored day of learning across TV and online, with curriculum-relevant offers for Years 1 to 10.

These resources are alongside new Government guidance for parents on how to best support their child’s education and development.

Road maintenance during COVID-19

Road maintenance has been ruled as a necessity during the current lockdown due to Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Essex Highways has been playing its part.

Crews have been out every day to mend potholes and repair other defects including mending streetlamps, traffic signals, white lines and signs. All this has been done while ensuring engineers follow the current self-distancing rules. Urgent response crews have been working at night and weekends.

Crews will soon be starting the resurfacing and redressing work to hundreds of miles of the county’s road network and preparing carriageways for next winter.

Essex Highways still needs your help so please carry on reporting potholes or other problems online at

Scams during COVID-19


There have been reports of a scam email purporting to be from HM Government asking for donations to the NHS during the coronavirus outbreak. This is a fake email and your money will only end up in the hands of a criminal.

The NHS will never ask you to send money directly to a bank account. If you would like to donate to the NHS you can do so via their official channels or your local NHS Trust.

Don’t click on the links or attachments in suspicious emails and never respond to messages that ask for your personal or financial details.

Council Tax scam

We have also been made aware of customers in our district receiving calls stating their Council Tax banding have changed. This is a SCAM.

For more advice on how to keep safe visit

Parks, play areas and outdoor gyms

play area

Remember all our parks are open to give people space to walk, exercise once a day, and to help their mental wellbeing, but any play areas and outdoor gyms continue to be closed.

Please continue to respect government social distancing guidelines.

Full information available here.

Hand washing – it’s still so important


It’s still really important to wash your hands. This will help reduce the risk of you or anyone you live with getting ill with coronavirus.

  • wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds

  • use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available

  • wash your hands as soon as you get home

Remember, we are still here to help and support you


Even though our council offices are currently closed to visitors, our service hours remain unchanged and we are still here to help and support you during this time.

There are a number of ways in which you can access our services or get in touch with us:

stay home

BIN COLLECTION UPDATE: Changes to bin collections coming soon and latest coronavirus updates

Braintree District Council bin crew

This is a regular newsletter to keep you updated on our services, including some important reminders and helpful online links.

Please do continue to keep eye on our dedicated coronavirus ‘hub’ web page for the latest updates and information on our services:

VE DAY 75 anniversary 8th May Bank Holiday – Collection dates have CHANGED

Since your collection calendar was delivered in August 2019, there have been changes made to the collection dates that were originally published.

As the usual early May bank holiday Monday has been changed to Friday 8th May and includes the weekend in order to commemorate VE Day 75, (the 75th anniversary of the formal end of World War II,) revisions have been made to the waste and recycling collection dates, to reflect this change.

Please see the table below for your revised collection date:

Usual collection day

Revised VE DAY 75 collection day

Friday 8 May (VE DAY)

Monday 11 May 2020

Monday 11 May 2020

Tuesday 12 May 2020

Tuesday 12 May 2020

Wednesday 13 May 2020

Wednesday 13 May 2020

Thursday 14 May 2020

Thursday 14 May 2020

Friday 15 May 2020

Friday 15 May 2020

Saturday 16 May 2020

Please remember, the Garden Waste collection service remains suspended due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Find out more and download your REVISED collection calendar.

Dog walking and owner’s advice


The government’s priority is to save lives and the best way to protect yourself and others from illness is to stay at home.

However, exercise is still important for people’s physical and mental wellbeing, so the government has said people can leave their homes for exercise once a day and you should combine this with walking your dog.

Please use the following guidelines in order to stay safe:

  • stay local and use open spaces near to your home where possible – do not travel unnecessarily
  • when you are walking your dog in areas used by other people, you should keep your dog on a lead to ensure you can safely remain 2 metres away from anyone outside of your household, in keeping with the social distancing measures
  • In doing so, it is important that you minimise the time spent outside of the home.

You can find further guidance for pet owners via the GOV.UK website.

There’s also guidance on using green spaces and protecting yourself and others.

Thank you for supporting our refuse crews

bin rainbow

Our bin crews continue to do a fantastic job in difficult circumstances and we want to say thank you to everyone for your messages of thanks, support and your fantastic drawings.

Their hard work is keeping our town clean and safe during the coronavirus outbreak, but they need your help too.

There are things you can do to make collections safer for them, their families & you:

  • Leaving your bin or recycling sacks out by 7am on your collection day
  • Parking responsibly so the crew can access your street
  • When you put your bin out and take it back in, please remember to wipe the handles & wash your hands for at least 20 seconds each time
  • If you or anyone in your household are self-isolating because you have symptoms of coronavirus, please ensure personal waste like tissues & cleaning cloths are double bagged in plastic bags or bin liners

More here:

Bonfires and the burning of garden waste


At this time we would also urge residents to not have bonfires and burning of garden waste.

The smoke or smell from a bonfire might affect neighbours or aggravate any health conditions.

â–ºRead the full advice here

Business News Update: Adoption of new planning framework, an update on grants, online training courses and business support

Braintree District Council

Business news

Where are we with the business grants?


Business grants have now been issued to just over 70% of eligible businesses – with about another 200 applications in the pipeline being processed and paid this week.

This means that we have now paid out £21.1 million (so far) in small business grants and cash grants for the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors.

This places us in the top 15% of Local Authorities in the country making grant payments to eligible businesses.

Our aim next week will be to make direct contact for a second time with those businesses that we’ve identified as eligible, but who have not yet returned their application forms.

Application forms were sent out to the trading addresses of eligible businesses at the end of March.

If you run a business which is eligible, but haven’t yet returned your form, please email it back to as soon as you can.

If you’re unsure of your eligibility, you can email for advice, help and support.

New tool to help businesses identify suitable grants

A new ‘support finder‘ tool has been launched to help businesses and self-employed people quickly and easily determine what financial support is available to them during the coronavirus pandemic.

The new online platform asks business owners and the self-employed to fill out a quick and simple online questionnaire. They will then be directed to a list of all the financial support they may be eligible for.

► Read more here.

Horizon 120 takes another step forward

Horizon 120 zones

The planning framework (Local Development Order) for the Horizon 120 Business and Innovation Park planned for Great Notley has been approved.

The zonal plan for the site will allow for the development of high quality office, manufacturing and industrial space. It will also allow for the creation of a central hub which could be home to a hotel and other facilities which will add to the experience of employees working on the site.

We are pressing ahead with plans, despite the current lockdown, in readiness for when businesses start moving again as and when the coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions are changed or lifted by central government.

The exciting thing for businesses about the use of a Local Development Order is that it automatically grants planning permission for certain forms of development and land uses within particular zones on a site, making it easier and quicker for businesses to build the premises they need without the need to apply for separate planning permission (as long as they meet certain conditions).

The Marshgate Group will take the lead on the delivery of this business park. The commercial property developer plans to deliver, for its business clients, a mix of commercial units compliant with the conditions of the new planning framework.

If you want to find out more:

Billion pound support package for innovative firms hit by coronavirus

Businesses driving innovation and development will be helped through the coronavirus outbreak with a £1.25 billion government support package. The comprehensive package includes a new £500 million loan scheme for high-growth firms, called the Future Fund, and £750 million of targeted support for small and medium sized businesses focusing on research and development.

The Future Fund will issue convertible loans to innovative companies which are facing financing difficulties due to the coronavirus outbreak. The Future Fund will provide government loans to UK-based companies ranging from £125,000 to £5 million, subject to at least equal match funding from private investors.

These convertible loans may be a suitable option for businesses that rely on equity investment and are unable to access the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme. The scheme will be delivered in partnership with the British Business Bank and will launch in May 2020. Find out how to apply here.


Cybersecurity virtual workshop amid COVID-19

A growing number of cybercriminals are exploiting the COVID-19 outbreak and security agencies across the world are issuing COVID-19 cybersecurity threat updates as more organisations are falling victim.

Dr. Audrey Guinchard, a leading expert working at the intersection between cybercrime, data protection, and cybersecurity, is hosting an online workshop on how to protect your organisation from cybercrime on Wednesday, 13th May at 10am.

Register for this webinar here.

Urgent need for more Personal Protective Equipment

Image which says PPE required with images of PPE

Essex companies have been donating unopened and unwanted stocks of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to Essex County Council to support those who work in social care across Essex, and while the council is incredibly grateful for any stock, much more is needed.

The council still needs masks, disposable gloves, aprons, eye goggles and also any sanitising gel. This will be provided to front line staff who are caring for the most vulnerable residents in Essex over the coming days and weeks.

The council recognises there may be a variety of reasons why companies have ended up with some PPE that they cannot currently reuse or distribute and would particularly appreciate hearing from those with larger volumes.

Essex County Council may be willing to purchase any stocks if needed.

To donate or advise of stock please email with your PPE supply details including quantity and postcode, plus a contact name and phone number.

Any items offered and suitable will be collected safely with collectors observing social distancing and hand hygiene rules.

Celebrating our heroes: We are looking to celebrate and say thank you to the heroes in the Braintree district who are doing incredible work in the battle against Coronavirus (COVID-19).

If you want to share your story on how you’re donating PPE stock to help vulnerable residents, please email us on  

We will publish your stories in our newsletters and on our social media channels as a thank you for helping in the fight against coronavirus.

TALE Webinars: online briefings offering help and practical advice for company managers


TALE Webinars focus on advice and action plans that can be implemented by company managers, with the emphasis on practical methods and examples.

The topics covered include:

  • How to write (rewrite) your business plan?
  • Practical tips to get your website in order post COVID-19
  • Enhancing your operations and processes
  • How can you start planning for your post COVID-19 strategy?

The FREE briefings will be held using Zoom Meetings. The webinars will not last longer than an hour with the presentation element lasting for 30-40 minutes.

For more information on the topics and the dates of the sessions.

Best Growth Hub business support

The BEST Growth Hub offers a completely free and impartial service, signposting businesses to areas which may benefit them.

During these unprecedented times, the hub would like to make business owners aware of all the COVID-19 financial and business support facilities available to them.

Business navigators are available for free discussions via phone or email to answer questions and concerns, as well as point you in the right direction for external or government advice.

If your business would like to receive direct support from your local business navigator please complete our Business Support form and indicate what support you are interested in and how COVID-19 has affected you so far.

Once we have this information a member of the Growth Hub Team will be in contact with you to discuss your individual case.

business support

Latest government information for businesses which details:

  • Access to funding and support
  • Responsibilities as an employer
  • Advice and guidance for managing your business
  • How you can help

We will continue to bring you the most up-to-date advice via these emails, our website and on social media.

You can also join our closed Braintree District Businesses Facebook group to find support from other businesses in our district.

Planning news: Braintree District Council adopts its first Local Development Order

Braintree District Council

Planning news header

Braintree District Council adopts its first Local Development Order

Horizon 120

Braintree District Council has adopted its first Local Development Order to encourage businesses onto the new Horizon 120 Business and Innovation Park planned for Great Notley in Braintree.

The planning framework, endorsed at a meeting of Braintree District Council’s Planning Committee at the beginning of March was approved last week (Thursday, 16 April 2020) by the Chief Executive Officer in accordance with urgency powers under the council’s Constitution.

We are adopting this type of planning framework for this site to encourage new businesses into the district and to create up to 2,000 jobs. We are pressing ahead with plans, despite the current lockdown, in readiness for when businesses start moving again as and when the coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions are changed or lifted by Central Government.

The exciting thing for businesses about the use of a Local Development Order is that it automatically grants planning permission for certain forms of development and land uses within particular zones on a site, making it easier and quicker for businesses to build the premises they need without the need to apply for separate planning permission (as long as they meet certain conditions).

The zonal plan (see image below) for Horizon 120 comprises of four separate zones with a mix of different land uses and the design code details acceptable standards in terms of landscaping, building design, quality and environmental ratings.

The Local Development Order will allow for the development of high quality office, manufacturing and industrial space. It will also allow for the creation of a central hub which could be home to a hotel and other facilities which will add to the experience of employees working on the site.

Proposals also include the creation of a high quality landscaped environment where roads and paths are tree-lined with green buffers and wildlife corridors. Close to the central hub will be a habitat with ponds, tussock grassland, hedgerows and trees.

This Local Development Order will last for 10 years after adoption.

The Marshgate Group will take the lead on the delivery of the business park having entered into an option contract with us last year. The commercial property developer plans to deliver, for its business clients, a mix of commercial units compliant with the conditions of the new planning framework.

Cllr Gabrielle Spray, Cabinet Member for Planning at Braintree District Council, said: “The approval of this planning regime is a significant achievement. The Design Code is the key factor here, it is really high quality and sets a high bar for applicants. It gives us a measure of control because proposals must comply with the criteria set. The centralised facilities, landscaping and the location next to the Great Notley Park will make this park a really pleasant place to work.”

Cllr John McKee, Cabinet Member for Corporate Transformation at Braintree District Council, said: “This decision is a major step forward for the Horizon 120 project. A framework which gives certainty and clarity and simplifies the planning process makes it less risky for developers to invest and easier for businesses to relocate from elsewhere. This is very good news for our district because it will bring more jobs and opportunities for residents.”

Businesses interested in being part of Horizon 120 can email Joscelyne Chase on or Coke Gearing on

Find out more:

Horizon 120 zones

â–ºDue to the ongoing situation with Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the social distancing measures announced by the government on 23rd March, we have had to make a number of changes to our planning service.

â–ºTake a look at the changes here.

Image which says PPE required with images of PPE
Essex companies have been donating unopened and unwanted stocks of Personal Protective Equipment to the council to support those who work in adult and children social care across Essex, and while Essex County Council is incredibly grateful for any stock, much more is needed.

Essex County Council may be willing to purchase any stocks if needed. To donate or advise us of stock please email with your PPE supply details including quantity and postcode, plus a contact name and phone number, and someone will be in touch.

Any items offered and suitable will be collected safely with collectors observing social distancing and hand hygiene.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) update from Braintree District Council

Braintree District Council

Header which says District Council News. Windmill in the background.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) update from Braintree District Council

Dear Parish Clerks and Councillors,

Welcome to our latest newsletter. We hope you are all keeping safe and well in these challenging times. We want to say thank you for continuing to support the Council during these times, helping our vulnerable communities where you can and keeping them informed with the latest and accurate information.

This newsletter will update you on our latest Coronavirus (COVID-19) service updates, a new campaign we have launched to shine a light on our local heroes, details about VE day and more.

We are continuing to keep our coronavirus web page updated with the latest information on our services so please do share this link with your communities:

If you have any questions about this newsletter, please do get in touch with us at

New campaign to celebrate our local heroes

thank you hero

This week we launched a new campaign which aims to shine a light, celebrate and say thank you to heroes who are doing incredible and heartfelt things in the battle against COVID-19.

Whether they are volunteers, a local business, a key worker, or individuals going the extra mile to show little pockets of kindness during this tough time, we want to say thank you and celebrate each and every one of these people in our district.

We will be publishing stories about the efforts and achievements of these people/groups on our social media channels and using the hashtag #BraintreeDistrictTogether.

Our first story was published yesterday which focused on a Braintree resident who runs her own local arts and crafts business, and has made 307 scrubs bags so far for NHS nurses using her own fabric stash!

We know there are hundreds of heroes out there in our district so please do share your stories with us by sending an email to or getting in touch with us on social media as we would love to celebrate your work.

You can also share our post on Facebook and Twitter to encourage people to tell us about their stories.

VE Day online materials

Friday 8th May 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day (commonly known as VE Day). This year, the Government has moved the May bank holiday to VE Day to allow the nation to remember the sacrifice so many made in the fight against fascism.

We had been hoping for communities to run a whole host of activities, but given the restrictions due to COVID-19, sadly these have had to be cancelled.

However, the government have developed a wide range of digital resources for use on social media channels in the run up to VE Day.

Before 8th May:

  • The full toolkit is available here: Get involved in marking #VEDay75. This link contains online resources including tips for hosting a tea party at home, colouring, bunting and creative challenge for children.
  • Share your stories: we’d love to see people contributing their family’s connection to WW2 by posting photos and stories on social media using #VEDay75.

Does your parish council have any plans for VE Day celebrations? Please do let us know by emailing

Or if you know of any local stories that we can highlight, please email them over to us so we can support on social media.

What is the latest on the support for businesses?


At the end of last month, we sent out over 2,500 grant application forms to eligible small businesses and businesses with the retail, hospitality and retail sectors. We’ve now received and administered 70% of these applications (so far) paying out £21.1 million to the businesses needing support in our district.

The grants are part of the emergency funding from central government to support high street businesses and other small businesses.

Our aim over the next week is to make direct contact for a second time with those businesses that we’ve identified as eligible, but who have not yet returned their application forms so that they can also be offered the support that they are entitled to.

We will continue to communicate with our businesses via our business contacts, business e-newsletter (2374 businesses have signed up so far) and Braintree District Businesses Facebook page.

We have been using the channels above to share central government business support information, grant information and other training opportunities such as free marketing courses, free selling on Amazon courses and cybersecurity workshops.

If a business in your parish needs advice, help and support, they can email our Economic Development team on

Update on Community Shield

The Community Hub has received over 120 referrals from the Essex Welfare Service for people requesting support for shopping, collection of medication, befriending and mental health support. They continue to signpost these to Town & Parish Council’s and community groups or deal with them via the Community Transport Team.

The Community Transport Team are also delivering food bank parcels to those that are unable to collect from the food bank themselves. Unwanted food parcels are also being collected from individuals and donated to the food bank.

The hub have also contacted approx. 500 people that the government has identified as being high risk and requiring additional support.

Online education resources roll-out

Oak National Academy is a new online learning resource to support schools, families and young peopled during the current school closures, which provides 180 video lessons each week for every year group – from Reception through to Year 10 – across a range of subjects including maths, art and languages.

The BBC has also launched its own education package, BBC Bitesize Daily. This will deliver a tailored day of learning across TV and online, with curriculum-relevant offers for Years 1 to 10.

These resources are alongside new Government guidance for parents on how to best support their child’s education and development.

Read more on Essex County Council’s website. 

Livewell – reducing stress and anxiety at home


It’s important to stay at home at the moment, but over long periods of time, this can put a strain on relationships and might lead to arguments. However, there are lots of things people can do to help reduce stress and anxiety at home:

  • PAUSE – is a disagreement escalating to a point where you are no longer in control and you are just reacting? If so, take a breath and re-assess the situation.
  • THINK – try to reflect on why an argument started. Ask yourself how you were feeling before the conversation started and whether you were already feeling anxious or tense.
  • RESOLVE IT – take a step back. Is this argument about something important, or can you come back to it when you are both calmer?Everyone argues, but if you feel like you and your partner need extra support, visit the livewell website

Maintain your wellbeing during coronavirus, Essex County Council urgently needs more PPE



Braintree District Council

Graphic which says News from the Emergency Planning Team at Braintree District Council

Essex County Council urgently needs more PPE

Image which says PPE required with images of PPE

Essex companies have been donating unopened and unwanted stocks of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to Essex County Council to support those who work in adult and children social care across Essex, and while the council is incredibly grateful for any stock, much more is needed.

The council still needs all items of PPE – masks, disposable gloves, aprons, eye goggles and also any sanitising gel. This will be provided to front line staff who are caring for the most vulnerable residents in Essex over the coming days and weeks.

The council recognises there may be a variety of reasons why companies have ended up with some PPE that they cannot currently reuse or distribute and would particularly appreciate hearing from those with larger volumes.

Councillor John Spence said: “The response from local companies has been great and we welcome efforts the government is making to ensure PPE is sourced and available, but we equally recognise the challenge they face in reaching beyond the NHS into other parts of the caring system.

“Quite simply we need more stock and so if you are able to help please get in touch, particularly if you have large quantities of items.”

Essex County Council may be willing to purchase any stocks if needed.

To donate or advise of stock please email with your PPE supply details including quantity and postcode, plus a contact name and phone number, and someone will be in touch.

Any items offered and suitable will be collected safely with collectors observing social distancing and hand hygiene.

Bringing out the best in the community

thank you hero

We are looking to celebrate and say thank you to the heroes in the Braintree district who are doing incredible work in the battle against Coronavirus (COVID-19).

From friends, neighbours and family working on the front line to volunteers supporting their communities to people going the extra mile to show kindness to others facing hardship, we want to find and shine a light on those little pockets of brilliance.

We will publish stories about the efforts and achievements of residents who are helping in the fight against coronavirus. Tell us about your hero by sending an email to or getting in touch with us on social media.

Tell us who you want us to celebrate, what they’ve done and what it means to you.

Councillor Graham Butland, Leader of Braintree District Council, said: “We know that so many people in our community are playing a vital role during this extraordinary time. Whether you work in the care sector or in the NHS or emergency services or maybe you work in a supermarket, we want to thank you. There are so many wonderful stories out there amongst the sadness and we want to give the whole district a morale boost by telling them.”

Maintain your wellbeing during coronavirus

Every Mind Matters has highlighted how we can all look after our mental wellbeing.

Top 5 Tips

  1. Talk about your worries: it is normal to feel worried, scared or helpless about the current situation. Maintain contact with friends and family via phone and video calls to share how you are feeling.
  2. Keep a regular routine and set goals: you may need to set a new routine for now. Try writing a plan for your day with the things you can still do at home, such as watching a film, reading a book or completing a puzzle. Setting goals and achieving them gives a sense of control and purpose. Maintaining good-quality sleep makes a big difference to how you feel mentally and physically too, so it’s important to get enough (the Every Mind Matters sleep page provides practical advice).
  3. Manage your media and information intake: if 24-hour news and constant social media updates are making you worried, try to limit the time you spend watching, reading or listening to coverage of the outbreak to once or twice a day.
  4. Do things you enjoy and try something new: focusing on your favourite hobby, learning something new or simply taking time to relax indoors should give you some relief from anxious thoughts and feelings and can help boost your mood. Look online for free tutorials and courses.
  5. Look after your body: our physical health has a big impact on how we feel. At times like these it can be easy to fall into unhealthy patterns of behaviour that end up making you feel worse. Try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals, drink enough water and exercise regularly. You can leave your house, alone or with members of your household, for one form of exercise a day – like a walk, run or bike ride. But make sure you keep a safe 2-metre distance from others.

You can view these and more tips on Every Mind Matters.

Everybody needs good neighbours

Braintree Cricket Club

Braintree Cricket Club Ground is closed much like many other sports grounds across the district at the moment but they have come up with a brilliant idea.

They have given their neighbours at the McCarthy and Stone Retirement Home private access to the grounds for their daily exercise so they have an environment they feel comfortable in and can observe social distancing safely.

The club said it made sense to allow their neighbours to use their grounds especially because the majority of residents are over 70 and socially isolating and have no outside space of their own.

Got questions about your council tax bill?

council tax

If you are struggling to pay your council tax at this time due to a change in your income or employment, please remember that we are here to help.

Go to our website to find out what support is available.

Support for businesses in our district



Braintree District Council has issued more than 1800 grants to businesses facing financial difficulties as a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic – paying out £21million to struggling businesses so far.

Do you run a business in the district? Keep in touch. 

Sign up to our business bulletin here:

Or join our economic development team on their closed Facebook group

Find more coronavirus financial support for your business

Coronavirus (COVID-19) support is available to employers and the self-employed. You may be eligible for loans, tax relief and cash grants.

Use this business support finder to see what support is available for you and your business.

Advice on how to help others safely

help others safely

If you need to help a vulnerable person, you need to do so safely.

Take a look at because it outlines how you can help and importantly, how to do it safely.

Getting food and medicine to the vulnerable

Older lady knitting looking out of window

The Essex Welfare Service – set up by Essex County Council – is specifically for people who are not able to get any support from either family, friends, neighbours or from their local support groups.

Braintree District Council’s virtual community hub has received more than 100 referrals from the Essex Welfare Service about vulnerable people within our district and where possible we have provided support to these people or signposted them to the numerous parish councils, volunteer groups or individuals across the district.

Contact details for Essex Welfare Service:

0300 303 9988

Road repairs continue during lockdown

Road maintenance has been ruled as a necessity during the current lockdown due to Coronavirus COVID 19 and Essex Highways has been playing its part.

Crews have been out every day to mend potholes and repair other defects including mending streetlamps, traffic signals, white lines and signs. All this has been done while ensuring engineers follow the current self-distancing rules. Urgent response crews have been working at night and weekends.

Crews will soon be starting the resurfacing and redressing work to hundreds of miles of the county’s road network and preparing carriageways for next winter.

Read more.

Everything you need for home schooling

Man and boy looking at computer screen

Are you looking for additional support for your children during the current school closures?

This week saw the launch of the Oak National Academy, a new, government-backed online learning resource. It provides 180 video lessons each week for every year group – from Reception through to Year 10 – across a range of subjects, including maths, art and languages.

The BBC has also launched its own education package, BBC Bitesize Daily. This will deliver a tailored day of learning across TV and online, with curriculum-relevant offers for Years 1 to 10.

These resources are alongside new government guidance for parents on how to best support their child’s education and development.

Food safety for community cooking & food banks

The Food Standards Agency has published new guidance on community cooking and food banks.

Food provided for community groups must comply with food law and be safe to eat and this guidance provides food safety information for individuals or groups wishing to prepare meals at home for their community.

This can include preparing or donating meals for those in self-isolation, vulnerable groups, community groups and local organisations, and NHS staff.

Healthy relationships


The coronavirus pandemic presents us all with huge challenges in protecting ourselves and our families and it is important to stay at home at the moment. But over long periods of time, this can put a strain on relationships and might lead to arguments.

Here are some tips to help you reduce anxiety and stress at home:

  • Pause – is a disagreement escalating to a point where you are no longer in control and you are just reacting? If so, take a breath and re-assess the situation.
  • Think – try to reflect on why an argument started. Ask yourself how you were feeling before the conversation started and whether you were already feeling anxious or tense.
  • Resolve it – take a step back. Is this argument about something important, or can you come back to it when you are both calmer?
  • Find out more: