Update on pedestrianisation project for Braintree town centre

Braintree District Council

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Update on pedestrianisation project

Welcome to our second newsletter, which you subscribed to in our latest consultation survey to receive regular news and updates on our pedestrianisation project for Braintree town centre.

Braintree District Council has continued to deliver front line services since the outbreak of COVID-19 and the subsequent lockdown. We want to reassure you that we have also continued to work behind the scenes to ensure this project moves ahead during these unprecedented times.

This newsletter will give you an update on the planned enabling works to Bank Street, which will start week commencing 27th April 2020, as well as planned works to Fairfield Road and St Michael’s Lane, which will be starting soon. These works are part of the exciting pedestrianisation project planned for Braintree town centre, which will create a new space that people want to visit and socialise.

Trial holes

trial holes

We recently completed the trial holes in High Street to establish ground conditions.

Contractor appointed

We have now appointed local Essex contractor Marlborough Highways to deliver the enabling works on behalf of Braintree District Council, Essex County Council and Department of Transport.

Bank Street works

From Monday 27th April, the contractor will be starting the planned construction work on Bank Street which will provide an increased number of disabled bays available for people in the town centre.

This will mean that Bank Street bays will be increased to 17 disabled parking spaces in total (currently seven) and an additional three on St Michael’s Lane.

These works are enabling us to ensure there is no loss of disabled parking spaces whilst the main pedestrianisation works in Market Place, Great Square and the High Street take place from May 2020.

We have considered the impact of COVID-19 on the project and our contractor will be ensuring that they reflect the new ways of working to comply with the current industry government guidance. Suitable PPE will be provided by the contractor to support their workers on the site.

Advanced signage will also be placed on site.

We expect these works to take place for 2-3 weeks and will be completed during the day, evenings and weekends. A one way traffic system on Bank Street will be in place with access via Sainsbury’s, Swan Side entrance into Bank Street.

We are working with our contractor to ensure local residents, businesses and other stakeholders are informed of these works.

What’s the next steps?

Once Bank Street works have been completed, we will look to start enabling works at St Michael’s Lane and Fairfield Road. We will update you on this phase of the project soon including more details on when works will start to commence.

We are currently working up the final designs for the project along Market Place, Great Square and the High Street, building in your feedback from the consultation. We will share these with you as soon as we have the final design.

Bonfires & The Burning of Garden Waste

Braintree District Council


We are receiving lots of queries about bonfires and the burning of garden waste.

We know it’s difficult with the Essex Recycling Centres for Household Waste closed and garden waste collections suspended, but in view of the health implications linked to Coronavirus (COVID-19) (respiratory condition), please DO NOT BURN your garden waste, or any other waste.

Smoke from bonfires is anti-social and can cause problems for neighbours.

We will investigate any complaints we receive and will take formal action where appropriate. Local air quality is deteriorating from increased burning giving additional problems for those with asthma and other breathing-related illnesses.

Essex Fire and Rescue Service is also requesting that you do not burn waste as there has been a 100% increase in call-outs mostly caused by fires which have got out of control.

Please home compost your garden waste or store it in your garden until collections are resumed.

Please do not fly-tip any waste as this is an offence and offenders will be prosecuted.

Please be considerate to your neighbours during the coronavirus outbreak.

Be safe, be thoughtful, be kind, be sensible.

For updates on our services, please check our dedicated coronavirus web page.




Following the alert sent out this morning, please see the official government response to messages such as the one shown below:


“The Government has only sent one text message to the public regarding new rules about staying at home to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Any others claiming to be from UK Government are false.

Criminals are able to use spoofing technology to send texts and emails impersonating organisations that you know and trust. We would remind anyone who receives an unexpected text or email asking for personal or financial details not click on the links or attachments, and don’t respond to any messages that ask for your personal or financial details.”

If you receive any such messages, report them to Action Fraud - www.actionfraud.police.uk/report-phishing

Footpath Closure

The Essex County Council (Footpath 16, Colne Engaine and Footpath 22, Pebmarsh) (Temporary Prohibition of Use) Order 2020


Notice is hereby given that the Essex County Council intends, not less than seven days from the date of this notice, to make the above Order under section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.


Effect of the order:  To temporarily close Footpath 16, Colne Engaine and Footpath 22, Pebmarsh in the District of Braintree, from its junction with Brickhouse Road to its junction with Footpath 15, Pebmarsh, (entire lengths).


The closures are scheduled to commence on 20/04/2020 to 30/04/2020 or where appropriate signs are showing and weather permitting. The closures are required for the safety of the public and workforce while works to install an effluent outflow from a domestic sewage treatment plant are undertaken.


The alternative route will be via Brickhouse Road, Pebmarsh Road and Footpath 15, Pebmarsh and vice versa.


The Order will come into effect on 20/04/2020 and may continue in force for 6 months or until the works have been completed, whichever is the earlier.


Dated: 10/04/2020


Essex County Council

Network Assurance

A2 Annexe, Seax House,

Victoria Road South,

Chelmsford, Essex



Telephone: 0345 603 7631

Website: www.essex.gov.uk/highways


Please find the link below to a PDF of the plan:


Pebmarsh Parish Council Meeting

Good afternoon,

Due to the current worldwide pandemic, Pebmarsh Parish Council will not be calling the upcoming meeting for next week.

The Parish Council will instead discuss any urgent matters over email / phone and non urgent matters will be postponed to the next meeting at such time as it is safe to meet.

Please the agenda on the website in the relevant section, indicating the subjects that were initially going to be discussed; each item will either be discussed between councillors and the clerk remotely or agreed to be postponed. I imagine this process will take a considerable amount of time due to the time delay with emails, but once it is complete I will compile minutes to reflect all that is discussed and any decisions that are made and post them on the website in the usual manner.

At this time of uncertainty please take care, look after each other and stay postive – we will get through this together.

All the very best,

Shelley Boydell
Clerk to Pebmarsh Parish Council
07801 492312

Guidelines for Volunteers

Thank you for volunteering to look out for those in your village that are self isolating or socially distancing themselves in the face of COVID19 – Coronavirus 19.
Here are a few key guidelines to try and keep you as safe as possible
1.  Please ensure you are fit and healthy without a cold or underlying chest infection or immune condition
2. Try to keep your distance from anyone that you see face to face – a minimum of 3ft or 1m.  6ft or 2m is better however, an elderly person may not be able to hear you.
3. If you are collecting medication, make sure the person has told their pharmacy you will be collecting it for them.
4. If you receive a call from a neighbour try and put their minds at rest that they are doing the right thing and that if they fall ill you will help.
5. If you have a neighbour that falls ill – get them to call 111 immediately – call them back to find out what 111 said.
6. If you are picking up shopping get the neighbour to pay the shop if possible.  Otherwise, you may need to pay for it and collect the cash when you deliver.
7. If you deliver shopping – put it on the doorstep for the neighbour to pick up.  Payment should be put on doorstep in envelope.
8.Wash your hands (singing Happy birthday twice) regularly and more often when handling anything.
Keep safe – your efforts are appreciated.

Courtyard Stores at Cross End in Pebmarsh – Home Delivery

Matthew Hogsbjerg from Courtyard Stores at Cross End in Pebmarsh has kindly offered to run a delivery service for those people who are forced to self-isolate due to the continued spread of Corona Virus/Covid 19. With online supermarkets struggling to offer this service currently, this will be a vital service for our community. It will also support local business at a difficult time.

His contact details are 01787 389222 the store does have a Facebook and Instagram presence.