Reminder: Check ID for Council Workers

Essex County Council’s Highways Teams will be out around the county mending pot holes over the next three months and they wish to remind residents that if anyone knocks on their door to say they are working for the Council, please ensure that you ask them for ID. If you are unsure whether they are genuine, please contact ECC on 01245 430670 and they will make the necessary checks.

Temporary Road Closure Notice

To temporarily close the length of Cripple Corner, Twinstead/Pebmarsh/Alphamstone from a point approximately 140 metres south of the junction with Lorkins Lane, south for a distance of approximately 50 metres.

The closure is scheduled to commence on 24 February 2014 for 10 days or where appropriate signs are showing and weather permitting.

The alternative route will be via Cripple Corner – Cross End Road – The Street – Maplestead Road – Oak Road – Twinstead Road – Cripple Corner and vice versa.

Access for emergency service vehicles and pedestrians will be maintained at all times during the closure.

Any queries, please contact Essex Highways on 01245 342892.

Switch to e-billing for Council Tax Bills

Register for e-billing for your Council Tax bill and save both time and money.

Braintree District Council’s e-billing system allows residents to register and receive their council tax bill and correspondence via email rather the post. Businesses can also register and receive their business rates bill online.

Register before the end of January 2014 to ensure your account is recorded for the 2014/15 bills, at:

Cllr David Bebb, Cabinet Member for Resources at Braintree District Council said:
“As with utility companies, many people prefer to receive bills and correspondence online, and via the e-billing system we want to significantly reduce the number of people receiving their bills through the post.”

Available to any Council Tax/Non Domestic ratepayer, e-billing is available to those that pay via direct debit or monthly.

Cllr Bebb added: “This is not about the way you pay your bill but rather how you receive the bill itself. We currently have over 62,000 live accounts paying council tax and almost 4500 business rate payers, and we estimate that around £25,000 is being spent each year in contacting people, to send their bill, and then in reminders or other correspondence.

“This is money that we would rather spend elsewhere and so the more people we can sign up to e-billing the better.”